Newsletter 28th April

Castlemaine Parish                                                                    Fifth Sunday of Easter – 27th/28th April

Please pray for Kathleen Healy, Whitegate

Sat. 27th AprilKeel  7:30 pm  Denis Foley, Tralee Road
Sun. 28th AprilKiltallagh10:00 am  Mary O’Sullivan, Knockbrack
Tue. 30th AprilKeel10:00 am   
Thur. 2nd May  Keel7.30 pmDenis Cournane, Tubber & all deceased family members  
Friday 3rd May  Kiltallagh6:00 pmFirst Friday Mass
Sat. 4th MayKeel     Keel  11:00 am     7:30 pmFirst Holy Communion Castledrum National School
Sun. 5th MayKiltallagh  10:00 amBurke family, Castlemaine, and all deceased family members  

Priest on Duty: Fr. Kieran O’Sullivan 087 2432155

  • Offertory collection: €1238  and Peters Pence €496.  Míle Buíochas
  • A Free Health Awareness event for older people in conjunction with theHSE and Older Persons groups will take place on the 15th May in the Rose Hotel  from 10 am – 2pm. Information talks  from  Geriatrician, Dietician, Pharmacist, Physiotherapists, with various Information Stands. Phone  0667104830.
  • MS South Kerry Branch would like to say thank you for your continued support for our Church gate collections.
  • Have you ever dreamed of walking the Camino?  Join  the MSC Missions as we walk the shaded lanes and valleys of  the Camino Ingles walking from Ferrol to Santiago in Northern Spain from the 29th July to 5th August 2024.  The temperature  in this part of northern Spain in July  is perfect for walking, like a balmy summer day in Ireland.   For more details of this fundraising pilgrimage ring Mary at 021 454 6691 or email
  • Memory Wellness & Dementia Awareness Event in The Listowel Arms Hotel at 6.30pm – 9pm on Thursday, 16th May. This is a free event to promote the importance of memory wellness and will include an input from Consultant neurologist Dr. Antoinette O’Connor from Tallaght University Hospital, To book please log onto OR
  • The Communal First Saturday devotions will be held on Sat. 4th May commencing at 8.45am in the Church of the Resurrection Killarney. Devotions will begin with the Fatima intentions and prayer. Followed by the Rosary at 9am.  Mass at 9.30am then 15 mins meditation on the mysteries of the Rosary.
  • Presentation Secondary School Milltown: is holding a fundraising Bingo night in aid of school funds on Tue 30th April at 7pm.  All most welcome.
Ministers of The Eucharist
Keel4th MayDavid Flahive & Michael Murphy
Kiltallagh5th MayMiriam Ryan & Colm Lynch
Keel4th MayCaroline McCarthy
Kiltallagh5th MayBrendan Dennehy
Altar Society
Keel4th MayJoan O’Connor & Gretta Ryan
Kiltallagh5th MayMiriam Ryan
Offertory Collectors
KeelMayTimmie O’Connor & Aodhan Murphy
KiltallaghMayTed Murphy & Brendan Dennehy