Newsletter 19th November

Castlemaine Parish                                                                    33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time – 18th/19th Nov. 2023

Mass Intentions

Sat. 18th Nov.Kiltallagh   Keel11:00 am   7.30pm  Michael Harris, Meanus Heights   Susan Corcoran, Boolteens West 1st Anniversary  
Sun. 19th Nov.Kiltallagh10:00 am  John Giles, Tonreigh
Tues. 21st Nov.Keel  10.00 am 
Thurs 23rd Nov.Keel  7.30 pmDeclan Kerrisk, Ardcanaught Months Mind  
Fri. 24th Nov.Kiltallagh12:00 pm  Requiem Mass Helen Purcell, Knockmoyle  
Sat. 25th Nov.Keel  7.30 pmEileen Flynn, Shanahill Bridge  
Sun. 26th Nov.Kiltallagh10:00 am  Carmel O’Connor, Gurrane

Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament takes place every Monday in

St Gobnaits Church, Keel from 11am – 7pm

Priest on Duty: Fr. Kevin Sullivan 087 6277638

            Offertory collection: €446 Míle Buíochas

  • Eucharistic Minister: If you are a Eucharistic Minister who takes communion to nursing homes or private homes of non-family members you must attend training. This training is on zoom, Tuesday 28th Nov, 7-9pm. Please contact Jacklyn McCarthy

064 6631168 to book a place. If you take communion to direct family members you do not need to attend this training.

  • Webinar: Shaping the Future of Parishes: The Diocese of Kerry will host a webinar, “Moving Forward in Hope – shaping together a future for our local church communities, parishes and pastoral areas” on Monday, November 27th @ 7.30 pm. The speaker, Dr Jessie Rogers, will explore God’s call to us as Church today. This will prepare us for parish meetings to be held throughout the diocese in February 2024, where we will plan together for the future of our parishes. To register,
  • Ballyfinane National School: are holding a table quiz on November 25th at 8pm in the Shanty Bar.  Tables are €20 with 4 people to a table.
  • Mindfulness Course is starting in Keel Community Centre on Tuesdays November 21st, 28th and on December 5th from 11am till 12:30pm..Please let us know if you would like to join as spaces are limited. Contact Margaret on 087 3939700 or Phil on 087 0974181
  • Masses for our deceased in November: Please drop your list of family and friends that you would like remembered during the Masses in the month of November for Masses for the Holy Souls
                                   Eucharistic Ministers
Keel25th Nov.Elizabeth Ryle O’Connor & Patrick Flynn
Kiltallagh26th Nov.Jack Keating & Bernie Nagle
Keel25th Nov.Family Readers
Kiltallagh26th Nov.Family Readers
Altar Society
Keel25th Nov.Molly Lawlor & Marie Barton
Kiltallagh26th Nov.Karen Downes & Anne Marie Fitzgerald
Offertory Collectors
KeelNovemberMargaret Cournane & Michael Murphy
KiltallaghNovemberPhilip Moriarty & Patrick Cronin