Newsletter 15th October

Castlemaine Parish                                                                    28th Sunday in Ordinary Time – 14th/15th Oct. 2023

Please pray for Declan Kerrisk, Ardcanaught

Mass Intentions

Sat. 14th Oct.Keel7.30pm  Moira O’Brien, Ardcanaught
Sun. 15th Oct.Kiltallagh10:00 amMary, Maurice & Con Quirke, Gransha Lower  
Tues. 17th Oct.Keel  10:00 am   
Thurs 19th Oct.Keel  7.30 pm 
Sat. 21st Oct.Keel  7.30 pmBridie O’Sullivan, Castledrum
Sun. 22nd Oct.Kiltallagh10:00 am  Gerry & Sheila McMahon, Ballyfinane Cross  

Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament takes place every Monday in

St Gobnaits Church, Keel from 11am – 7pm

   Priest on Duty: Fr. Danny Broderick 087 9061255

  • Offertory collection: €854; Pastoral Centre €115; Diocesan Needs €65; Education of Clergy €20; Sick & Retired Priests €20 Míle Buíochas
  • Parish Diary is open for Mass Intentions for 2024. Please note that only  1st Anniversaries will be taken for the coming week 17th October and thereafter all other anniversaries from the 24th October.
  • Kerry Hospice Coffee morning: Thank you to all who contributed.  Castlemaine Community Centre €612, Keel Community Centre €428.
  • Keel Community Centre: Ladies Social Wednesday 7.30 – 9.30pm €5; 

Keel Choral group  Thursdays at 7.30 €5;

Card playing (31) Tuesdays at 8pm Contact James Brien (0871614958

  • Monastic Vocations weekend for women at St Benedict’s Priory, Cobh, Co Cork 28th-29th October. For more information contact Mother Prioress: 021 4811354
  • To celebrate October  Mission Month Join the diocesan  Webinar – Hearts on Fire: Feet on the Move   on Thursday 19th October at 7.30pm. To  Register go to  Key speaker for the webinar is Fr Tony O’Riordan SJ who will share his experiences as an overseas missionary.
                                   Eucharistic Ministers
Keel21st Oct.Elizabeth Ryle O’Connor & Patrick Flynn
Kiltallagh22nd Oct.Miriam Ryan & Colm Lynch
Keel21st Oct.Family Readers
Kiltallagh22nd Oct.Miriam Ryan
Altar Society
Keel21st Oct.Joan Long & Helen Power
Kiltallagh22nd Oct.Noreen Kelliher & Nuala Corbett
Offertory Collectors
KeelOctoberPat Flynn & Emer Regan
KiltallaghOctoberGrainne Hayes & John Quirke