Newsletter 25th June

Castlemaine Parish                                                                    12th Sunday in Ordinary Time  – 24th/25th June 2023

Mass Intentions

Sat. 24th JuneKeel  7.30 pm 
Sun. 25th JuneKiltallagh10:00 amBrendan & Elizabeth Moriarty, Ballinamona  
Tues. 27th JuneKeel10:00 am   
Thurs 29th JuneKeel  7.30 pmLiturgy of the Word
Sat. 1st JulyKeel  7.30 pmDerry Murphy, Boolteens
Sun. 2nd JulyKiltallagh10:00 amPatrick O’Leary, Gurrane  

Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament takes place every Monday in

St Gobnaits Church, Keel from 11am – 7pm

Priest on Duty: Fr. Kevin Sullivan 087 6277638

  • Offertory collection: €1110.00 & Family Services €35.00 Míle Buíochas
  • Second collection: next weekend 1st/2nd July, is for Sick & Retired Priests.
  • Liturgy Word: is in place of Mass, it is a directive of the Diocese of Kerry that Holy Communion will not be distributed.
  • Graveyard Masses: will be held on 13th July in Keel new graveyard at 7.30pm, Wednesday 19th July in Kiltallagh at 8pm & Thursday 20th July in Keel old graveyard at 8pm. We ask that families please clean up their own family graves and take any rubbish away with them afterwards.
  • Kerry Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes will take place from Sept 1st to the 6th led by Bishop Ray. Flights from Kerry Airport. Booking through Marian Pilgrimages Dublin. Poster at the back of the church.
  • National Grandparents Pilgrimage to Knock Shrine: on Sunday 23rd July 2023. 2.30pm Anointing of the Sick in the Basilica 3pm Pilgrimage Mass followed by the Rosary Procession.
  • Message from the Diocesan Safeguarding Committee: The committee would like to thank all those who attended safeguarding training programmes. So far this year 83 people attended two diocesan training programmes, safeguarding children training and adults at-risk of abuse training. It was great to see the engagement and continued support from parishes with 65 Parish Safeguarding Reps attending meetings in Killarney and Tralee. An important topic discussed was bringing back altar servers and other youth groups. The committee would like to acknowledge the dedicated work undertaken in parishes were these groups have returned. Finally, the committee would like to encourage Parish Safeguarding Reps, Schools, and Parents to work towards reinstating altar servers in parishes that have yet to do so.
                                   Eucharistic Ministers
Keel1st JulyJohn Carmody & Mary Ita Ladden
Kiltallagh2nd JulyMiriam Ryan & Colm Lynch
Keel1st JulyFamily Readers
Kiltallagh2nd JulyFamily Readers
Altar Society
Keel1st JulyKitty Nagle
Kiltallagh2nd JulyNoreen O’Neill & Kathleen O’Brien
Offertory Collectors
KeelJuly  Kathy O’Brien & Marian Prendergast
KiltallaghJulyJack Keating & Eileen Lovett