Newsletter 12th February

­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­ Castlemaine Parish Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time              12th/13th February 2022

Don’t you believe the Bible?

Sometime before she died, someone had the audacity to ask St. Teresa of Calcutta (Mother Teresa), “Why do you spend so much energy on the poor, the hungry, and the weeping of those in Calcutta?” She responded, “Jesus says the poor are the blessed ones. I take him at his word. I treat them as the royalty of God’s kingdom, because they are.”

— To grow into becoming a Christian is, in no small part, to be converted into seeing the world as God sees it. It is to be given new eyes to look upon people and events from an eternally loving perspective. When that begins to happen, you begin to see that God has an opinion about how life should be lived, what Churches should be doing, and how people should act. You begin to see that the future belongs to those whom God blesses. They include the poor, the hungry, the hopeless, the damaged, and those whose only salvation is found in the God who comes to redeem.

The Scripture readings for this weekend teach us that true happiness, or beatitude, lies in the awareness that we are all children of a loving Heavenly Father and that we will be happy only when we share our blessings with our brothers and sisters in need, and when we work to uplift them, we declare our “option for the poor,” as Jesus did. Contrary to the popular belief, wealth, health, power, and influence are not the sources of true happiness.

The word “beatitude” means “blessedness” in a double sense: both enjoying God’s favour and enjoying true or supreme happiness.

Moderator : Fr. Danny Broderick (087) 9061255

Parish House: 3 Meanus Heights, Castlemaine

Parish Office:  Tue. & Thur. 9:30am-12:30pm   (087) 2979864



Safeguarding Children: Contact No (087) 6362780

                         Masses & Intentions
Sat. Feb. 12th Kiltallagh   Keel11:00 a.m.   7:30 p.m.Eddie McCarthy, Ballyfinnane & UK Requiem Mass   Gertrude Teahan & deceased members of the Teahan & Dalton families
Sun. Feb. 13thKiltallagh10:00 a.m.Rose Harris, Clonmel
Tue. Feb. 15th      Keel10:00 a.m.John Corcoran, Arizona & The Mall, Boolteens
Thur.Feb.17th Keel7:30 p.m. 
Sat. Feb. 19th    Keel7:30 p.m.Eileen Kelliher, Shanahill West
Sun. Feb.20th     Kiltallagh10:00 a.m. 

Priest on Duty: Fr. Kieran O’Sullivan 087 2432155

Parish Envelopes: Again, many thanks to all parishioners who are contributing to the parish finances. An added bonus for the parish is that if a parishioner contributes more than €250 per year, the parish is able to attain a tax rebate. This rebate does not have implications to the tax, pension situation of the parishioner making the contribution. We realise that this has caused some apprehension amongst parishioners, but we are glad to inform parishioners that this is not the case. The tax rebate is of great help to the parish and hopefully many people will participate in the scheme as possible.

Parish Pastoral Council are inviting you to join us in bringing our Parish to life through your sharing of your gifts, talents, creativity, colour, time, energy, freshness, and enthusiasm. We need you and encourage you to let your light shine through all the various ministries in our Parish – through reading at our Masses; to give Communion; to sing or play music; to help organise Liturgies and join the Liturgy Group; to arrange flowers; to join our Pastoral Council and share your dreams and vision for the Parish; to care for our Church buildings and surroundings; to share your IT and social media skills. There is a myriad of ways to be part of our Church community and nurture a sense of belonging and ownership. There is room for everybody. So, don’t be shy or hold back. Make yourself known to Fr. Danny or any member of the Pastoral Council and a warm welcome will be extended to you. Fr. Danny Broderick, Aileen Griffin, PJ Ryan, Anne-Marie Griffin, John Richard Deane, Katherine O’Connor, and Caroline McCarthy.

Fybough NS is now accepting applications for enrolment for September 2022. Please contact the school for Enrolment Form at or 066-9766301

Ballyfinane Community Hall Association AGM: will take place on Tuesday night next February 15th at 8.15pm. New members very welcome.

Online Pre-Sacramental Preparation talk for Parents: The Diocese of Kerry will be hosting an online event for Parents whose child is going forward for the sacraments of First Holy Communion. Dr Dan O Connell will be presenting an online talk – Frist Communion Journeying with your child – on Monday 14th Feb. at 7pm. Register online @   For further information email:  or phone 064 6632644  

Kerry Branch of Smaritans would like to thank the parishioners for their continued support of their Christmas Collection at Kiltallagh Church.  €298.64 was collected.

Pope Francis’s Invitation & Our Response Pope Francis has invited every member of the Church throughout the world to share their experiences, insights and hopes for the Church. Every diocese has been asked to give opportunities for reflection, discussion and feedback in preparation for the Synod of Bishops in 2023. Here in the Diocese of Kerry there is the opportunity to share your thoughts on-line or to participate in person in the next 2 months. For details see:

Concerned about the ecological crisis? Be part of a faith community response to Pope Francis’ call to care for Our Common Home.  To learn more and register for an Online Book Club go to

Trips to Medjugore 2022: contact Tom Dennehy 087 6468658 Cost €775 approx.

  • 25th May ex Cork to Mostar
  • 22nd June ex Cork to Dubrovnik (Fr Danny Broderick will be the Spiritual Director on this trip)
  • 14th June ex Shannon to Mostar
Eucharistic Ministers
Keel                 Feb. 12th         Elizabeth Ryle O’Connor & Patrick Flynn   Kiltallagh      Feb. 13th         Miriam Ryan & Colm Lynch Keel                 Feb. 19th             Margaret Cournane & Michael Murphy Kiltallagh      Feb. 20th            Jack Keating & Bernie Nagle
Keel                 Feb. 12th        Deirdre O’Shea & Eileen Murphy Kiltallagh      Feb. 13th        Claire O’Connor & Noreen Breeen  Keel                 Feb. 19th        Caroline McCarthy & Kathleen O’Brien Kiltallagh      Feb. 20th           Eileen Keating & Bernie Nagle
Keel                 Feb. 12th          Family Readers    Kiltallagh      Feb. 13th         Family Readers         Keel                 Feb. 19th         Family Readers Kiltallagh      Feb. 20th            Mike Carroll
Altar Society
Keel                 Feb. 12th        Susan & Sarah Clifford Kiltallagh      Feb. 13th         Marie Culloty   Keel                 Feb. 19th        Eileen Delaney Kiltallagh      Feb. 20th         Marie Culloty  

A Prayer to the Creator

Lord, Father of our human family,

you created all human beings

equal in dignity:

pour forth into our hearts a fraternal spirit

and inspire in us

a dream of renewed encounter,

dialogue, justice and peace.

Move us to create healthier societies

and a more dignified world,

a world without hunger, poverty,

violence and war.

May our hearts be open

to all the peoples and nations of the earth.

may we recognize the goodness and beauty

that you have sown in each of us,

and thus forge bonds of unity,

common projects,

 and shared dreams.
