Newsletter 14th November

Castlemaine Parish 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time 13th/14th November 2021

$ 57, 000 for Jesus’ shopping in his second coming:

In 1981, a man left $57,000 in his will to Jesus. It was for His own use when He returned at the Second Coming. The money was to be invested at the highest interest in the meantime. Does anyone really think that Jesus will be shopping at a posh department store for a new seamless robe and sandals upon His return? Does anyone feel money is what He shall require from us at the Parousia? Is this what the Nazarene is all about? Christ is more interested in the way we conduct our lives this moment rather than tomorrow. He is more eager to see us improve life for others today than He is to remove us from it. Andrew Greeley has some wise thoughts on this point.

“The Second Coming, the New Age, the New Epoch,” he says, “can and should be happening throughout this day and week.” I saw the Second Coming at a Soup Kitchen where I worked. A white woman volunteer gave a black man soup, pasta, and coffee. As he was leaving, he thanked her. Then she noticed the bad condition of his shoes. She told him to wait. From the clothing closet, she brought several pair. The woman got down on her knees and fitted each pair. Finally, she found his fit. In this forty-minute encounter, Jesus in His Second Coming was present. I was watching Him washing His apostles’ feet all over again. I witnessed the New Age today at a fast-food restaurant. A busload of children treated their waitress with kindness. “Please” and “thank you” were more plentiful than hamburgers and cokes. They cleaned their table. They left a generous tip and a happy waitress.

There was no doubt but that the Lord was present. I see the New Epoch every time one of you gives me $100 and asks me to give it to a family having a difficult time. If one looks sharp enough, you can see a smile on Christ’s face. I observed the New Order yesterday. I was lost and could not find the correct road. I asked directions of a young man. Though he was in as much a hurry as I, he U-turned and told me to follow him for several miles. Then he put my car on the correct road. Can you not hear Jesus applaud as I tell you this story? I heard of the Second Coming yesterday. A mother told me of her return from a long journey. On her kitchen table, she found a dozen carnations waiting to greet her. The benefactor was her teen son. That day she saw Christ in her boy. I saw the New Epoch last week. A priest had heard that hostiles in a parish were gleefully giving another priest, whom he hardly knew, a hard time. He phoned. “May I buy you a good lunch?” The trip cost him not only the restaurant bill but also a round trip of 140 miles, and over half a tank of gas. Was not the Nazarene riding with him that day? You, I am sure, can fill in the blanks and tell me of the times when you saw the Second Coming this past week. And hopefully you were the cause of it.

Eucharistic Ministers
Keel                 Nov. 13th        Marie Prendergast & David Flahive Kiltallagh      Nov.  14th           Bernie Nagle & Mike Carroll Keel                 Nov. 20th       John Carmody & Mary Ita Ladden Kiltallagh      Nov. 21st        Colm Lynch & Miriam Ryan
Keel                 Nov. 13th       Margaret Cournane & Joan Sheehan Kiltallagh      Nov. 14th       Hannelore Harris & Bernie Nagle Keel                 Nov. 20th       Deirdre O’Shea & Eileen Prendiville Kiltallagh      Nov. 21st       Lorraine Griffin & Cliare O’Connor
Moderator : Fr. Danny Broderick (087) 9061255 Parish House: 3 Meanus Heights, Castlemaine Parish Office:  Tue. & Thur. 9:30am-12:30pm   (087) 2979864 Email: Website: Safeguarding Children: Contact No (087) 6362780           Masses & Intentions   Sat. Nov. 13th                    Keel 7.30 p.m. Nell & Jim O’Shea, Gortanedin & deceased members of the Griffin family Gortnahulla   Sun. Nov. 14th     Kiltallagh 10:00 a.m. Mary, Paddy & Donal O’Leary, Gurrane     Tues. Nov. 16th       Keel     10:00 a.m.     Thurs. Nov. 18th                          Keel   7:30 p.m.     Sat. Nov. 20th                   Keel   7:30 p.m.         Sun. Nov. 21st                         Kiltallagh   10:00 a.m. Carmel O’Connor, Ballyfinnane   Reminder Masses will be streamed live online vis our webcam system:       Priest on Duty: Fr. Fergal Ryan 087 2408540         Booking an Anniversary Mass for 2022 If you wish to book an Anniversary Mass for a loved one for the coming year, the 2022 diary will open on Tuesday November 30th, 2021. Please note the first week will be designated to taking bookings for first Anniversary Masses only. The diary will then be open to all other Anniversary Masses from Tue. 7th December.   Trocaire: A sincere word of thanks to all who contributed to the special Trocaire collection last weekend. Sadly, the need for basic food supplies in parts of East Africa is enormous. You can still contribute by putting your donation in an envelope marked ‘TROCAIRE’ and giving it to your parish. Remember the words of the parable, “I was hungry and you gave me to eat”.        + Ray Browne.   Maine Valley Family Resource Centre Parent Support Group – Come along and have some fun with your child, enjoy a tea/coffee, meet other parents in a friendly environment. This group is open to parents, caregivers, guardians, grandparents. Every Thursday from Nov. 18th until Dec. 16th in Maine Valley Family Resource Centre V93 R273  Call 066-9767833 Ext 2 Listening to the word of God: Jane Mellett, author of The Deep End, will help us to listen better to the God’s word in our webinar on Thursday Nov 18th 8.00pm – 8.30pm. This evening offers all of us a chance to reflect on how we might hear what God is saying in his word to us. It will be especially relevant to those who are Ministers of the Word in our parishes.   Bon Secours Hospital Annual November Mass will be celebrated in St. John’s Church, Castle St., Tralee on Tuesday , 23rd Nov. at 7.00pm in remembrance of our Patients, Staff and Relatives of Staff who have died during the year. The Mass will be live-streamed   Online Theology Open Evening, is this for you? The Priory Institute provides online Theology courses to degree level. Attend Saturday lectures in Tallaght or from the comfort of your own home. Email to find out more about our Online Open Evening on Thursday 2 December 7pm.   Drugs Initiative: as part of the Irish Bishops the Diocesan JPIC committee is taking actions to raise awareness to help parishes within our diocese in tackling this issue. Next Sun 14th Nov. exploring Fr Sean Jones experience of linking with the Narcotics Anonymous Group in Tralee and reflections on addiction and recovery which will be aired on radio Kerry next week on ‘Just a Thought’.   Sunday, 14 November: at 3.00pm, the Bishops of Ireland will undertake a pilgrimage to Knock. The bishops will concelebrate Mass for all those who have died in our country during the pandemic, and for their families. Prayers of thanksgiving will be offered for all those who so selflessly sacrificed so much during the pandemic.  This Mass will be live-streamed on and broadcast on the RTÉ News Now television channel. 

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