Newsletter 31st October

Castlemaine Parish 31st Sunday in Ordinary Time 30th/31st October 2021

Prayer for Climate Change

God, you uphold us always.
Free us from ignorance about your gifts of Creation
so we can relate to earth’s rhythms with humility.
Inspire us to welcome the truth when scientists speak of climate change and death of species, rejecting false pathways designed to confuse.
Strengthen our resolve to respect life in all its forms, choosing
‘to eat, travel, spend, invest and live differently’ as called for by
Pope Francis and faith leaders on pilgrimage to COP26,
listening to the cries of the earth, the poor, and future generations.
Help us to urge our politicians to take urgent action in negotiating sustainable living.
Ground all our thoughts in your revealing Scriptures
and the wisdom of holy women and men who have gone before us
to help grow a new creation promised in your Cosmic Son.
Give us a discerning spirit to work with the ecological and the human, the political and the economic realities of this world,
and instil in us a spirit of respect, compassion and friendship
able to imagine pathways of harmony.


Moderator : Fr. Danny Broderick (087) 9061255 Parish House: 3 Meanus Heights, Castlemaine Parish Office:  Tue. & Thur. 9:30am-12:30pm   (087) 2979864 Email: Website: Safeguarding Children: Contact No (087) 6362780       Masses & Intentions   Sat. Oct. 30th                    Keel 7.30 p.m. Mary Costello, Farnes   Sun. Oct. 31st     Kiltallagh 10:00 a.m.   Mon. Nov. 1st Kiltallagh   Keel   10:00 a.m.   7:30 p.m. All Saints Day & All Souls’ Days   All Saints Day & All Souls’ Days     Tues. Nov. 2nd       Keel     10:00 a.m.     Thurs. Nov. 4th                          Keel   7:30 p.m.     Fri. Nov. 5th                        Kiltallagh 8:00 p.m. First Friday Mass In memory of those who died during the year & buried in Kiltallagh   Sat. Nov. 6th                   Keel   7:30 p.m.   Jeremiah & Nancy Cahillane. Ardcanaught     Sun. Nov. 7th                       Kiltallagh   10:00 a.m. John Giles, Tonreigh   Reminder Masses will be streamed live online vis our webcam system:   Priest on Duty: Fr. Kieran O’Sullivan 087 2432155   Living with grief and bereavement: The diocese of Kerry is hosting an online webinar on Thursday Nov 4th, 8.00pm – 8.30pm presented by Finola Cunnane. She has worked in the areas of  spirituality, pastoral care, counselling and retreat work over many years, as well as teaching in the area of chaplaincy. For more information & register   Chime: will be holding an outreach clinic on Thursday 11th of November 2021 from 2pm – 4pm at the Day Care Centre, Market Street, Killorglin. Our FREE service of support and advice, cleaning and basic maintenance of hearing aids and information on entitlements. You need to make an appointment  a head of time so please call Jerry Kelleher before 10th of November on 087-3747327. Our consultations are private and confidential.   Anam Cara Kerry: is holding its monthly Parent Evening for bereaved parents on Tue. 9th Nov. at 7:20pm in the Meadowlands Hotel, Tralee. This event is free and open to all bereaved parents regardless of the age your child died, the circumstances of their death, or whether their death was recent or not.    Marriage Enrichment Weekend, 5th – 7th November 2021 This is an online experience (using Zoom), starting Friday at 8pm until Sunday at 2:30pm. Details   Parish Council Meeting: will take place on Wednesday 3rd November at 8pm at the Parish House, 3 Meanus Heights at 8pm. Fr. Danny Broderick will bless the Parish House.    Booking an Anniversary Mass for 2022 If you wish to book an Anniversary Mass for a loved one for the coming year, the 2022 diary will open on Tuesday November 30th, 2021. Please note the first week will be designated to taking bookings for first Anniversary Masses only. The diary will then be open to all other Anniversary Masses from Tue. 7th December.   Masses for our Deceased in November Please drop in your list of family and friends that you would like to be remembered during Masses in the month of November. Again, these Masses take place at the following times and places. Masses of Remembrance for those who died since last November: Kiltallagh Church            Friday, November 5th at 8:00 p.m. Keel Church                       Thursday, November 11th at 7:30 p.m. At these Masses, there will be candle lit in memory of each person whose funeral Mass was celebrated in our parish since last November. There will also be three large candles lit – the first in memory of the entire group whose funeral Mass took place in the parish; a second in memory of those whose funeral took place in another parish; and the final candle will be lit for stillborn children and miscarriages. Eucharistic Ministers Keel                 Oct. 30th        David Flahive & William Evans Kiltallagh      Oct.31st              Jack Keating & Bernie Nagle Keel                 Nov. 6th          Margaret Cournane & Michael Murphy Kiltallagh      Nov. 7th          Fergus Culloty & Catherine O’Connor Sanitisers Keel                 Oct. 30th       Caroline McCarthy & Kathleen O’Brien Kiltallagh      Oct. 31st         Eileen Keating & Bernie Nagle Keel                 Nov. 6th          Eileen Murphy & Joan O’Connor Kiltallagh      Nov. 7th         Catherine O’Connor & Breda Murphy     Wisdom How many times were you told as a child to be ready for an outing, or for the arrival of visitors for dinner or for something else, when you simply wanted to stay as you were? There are times when it matters little whether we are ready or not. COVID-19 is teaching us that sometimes it really matters, and today’s gospel parable depicts a situation where it is of crucial importance to be prepared. Wisdom resides in readiness, foolishness in failure to prepare. Today’s readings have many nuances and messages for us. The oil in the gospel signifies wisdom. Oil was used to anoint royalty, prophets, and those coming of age. The five foolish virgins were not bad; they hadn’t sinned. They were invited to the wedding, but they just weren’t willing to prepare completely, to stockpile wisdom as it were, to strengthen themselves in the event that the bridegroom—Christ—would be delayed. Two things to consider from these readings that can apply to our lives as well. The first is that wisdom, “sitting at the gate, resplendent and unfading” is always available to anyone who is patient and takes the time to seek her. Perhaps that’s why she seems to be in such short supply today! Immediate gratification is the name of game and I often wonder how will our children, born and raised in this culture of immediacy, develop the patience needed to stockpile true wisdom. The second thing that speaks to me is the dynamic of group behaviour in the gospel. This is not about one wise virgin and one foolish virgin; this is about individuals aligning themselves with wisdom or foolishness.    

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