Newsletter 10 October

Castlemaine Parish 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time 9th/10th October 2021

It is Tough to be Billionaire

Paul Getty, the founder and CEO of Getty Oil company and owner of several other companies died at 83 of cardiac arrest in 1976, leaving his wealth, $3-4 billion, to his three sons. He was the wealthiest man of his days. Born and brought up in the USA, he established his oil empire headquarters in London and led the corporation for 25 years. He spoke most European languages and understood Russian and Arabic, Latin and Greek. He married five times and divorced his wives. He told an interviewer, “I would give all my wealth for a successful marriage. I hate being a failure. I hate not being able to make a success of marriage.” He admitted that money could not buy him happiness, and often it gave him more unhappiness. He refused to give his money to charities arguing that it made people lazy. Besides, he saw giving money to needy people as unrewarding and wrong. He even wrote an article called, “It is Tough to be Billionaire.” His books are “My Life and Fortune” and “How to be Rich.”– In today’s Gospel, Jesus advises a rich young man to share his riches with the needy to gain eternal life and never-ending happiness.

We need to accept the invitation to generous sharing. Jesus’ generosity led to His free gift of His very self to save our lives eternally. The crucifix is “Exhibit A.” To follow Jesus, we must have the same kind of generosity, and be willing to give our money, time, and talents away to serve the needs of others. In the heart of every Christian there should be a desire to give. Martin Luther says that the man who has given his heart to God will also give God his wallet. God does not have to extort money from those who love him. God does not ask us to give up our riches, but He does ask us to use them wisely in His service. We must manage our possessions wisely, so that they do not gain control over our hearts. Almsgiving and donations to charities are no longer the only way to use wealth for the common good, or perhaps the most advisable. There is also honesty in paying one’s taxes, creating new jobs, giving a more generous salary to workers when the situation allows it, initiating local enterprises in developing countries, and the like. Let us also ask the question: “How do I use my talents?” God gives us talents. Hence, they are not really ours. He lends them to us to be used in this world. How do we use our talents? What about time – do we use it for God? We each get 168 hours every week. How do we use our time? Are we too busy to pray each day? Do we pray for others’ needs as well as our own?  

Moderator : Fr. Danny Broderick (087) 9061255 Parish House: 3 Meanus Heights, Castlemaine Parish Office:  Tue. & Thur. 9:30am-12:30pm   (087) 2979864 Email: Website: Safeguarding Children: Contact No (087) 6362780           Masses & Intentions   Sat. Oct. 9th                    Keel 7.30 p.m. John J. Kavanagh, Castledrum, Keel   Sun. Oct. 10th     Kiltallagh 10:00 a.m.       Tues. Oct. 12th         Keel     10:00 a.m.     Thurs. Oct. 14th                          Keel   7:30 p.m.     Sat. Oct. 16th                   Keel   7:30 p.m.   Bridie O’Sullivan, Castledrum     Sun. Oct. 17th                     Kiltallagh   10:00 a.m. James Burke, Rathpooke & Ballygamboon – Months Mind     Reminder Masses will be streamed live online vis our webcam system:         Priest on Duty: Fr. Kevin Sullivan 087 6277638         Lectio Divina: Drink from your own well (St Bernard of Clairvaux). An introduction to the reading, reflection and prayer of the Gospels for anyone who seeks a way towards hope, wisdom and faith in day to day life. Presented by Fr Seamus O’ Connell  on Learning to pray the scriptures from your life. 3 Sessions: Mondays 18 Oct  &  1st Nov 7.30pm – 9pm (zoom) and Saturday 13 Nov. Tralee and Zoom email Please put ‘ Lectio Divina’ in Subject line.  Phone 087 6873208. A joint initiative of the Centre for Ministry and Mission, St Brendan’s Lectio Divina Group and Tralee APC.   Healthy Planet, Healthy People Petition: We have an opportunity like no other. At the UN Biodiversity Conference (COP15) in October, world leaders can set meaningful targets to protect creation. In November, at the 26th UN Climate Change Conference (COP26), countries will announce their plans to meet the goals of the Paris agreement. Ahead of those meetings, it is our responsibility as Catholics to lift up the voices of the most vulnerable and advocate on their behalf. now. Preparing for the Synodal Journey On Sunday 17th October all the dioceses in Ireland begin the Synodal Pathway -which Pope Francis has asked for worldwide. Pope Francis speaks of ‘Synod’ as ‘journeying together’, truly ‘listening to each other’ and ‘together identifying the path along which Christ is leading us’. Bishop Ray invites you to join him for a liturgy of prayer in St Mary’s Cathedral, Killarney at 3pm on Sunday 17th October to commence our journey. Come to the Cathedral or join by streaming via the cathedral website. Pope Francis has chosen the theme “Communion, Participation and Mission”. Maine Valley Family Centre Castlemaine will run a 10 week Rainbows Programme in Oct/Nov 2021. Rainbows offer a listening and support programme for children who have had a loss through a Bereavement and a programme for loss through Parental Separation. Suitable for ages 7-12 years and this service is free. For further information FRC on 087 3694169 or 066 9767833 Ext 2    SHEP – Introduction to Personal Development – Introduction to Personal Development is a 20 hour course for adults run over 8 weeks offered by Maine Valley FRC. The course is open to people from all walks of life. No prior qualifications are needed, just a willingness to be personally involved and to interact with others. Ring Maine Valley FRC – 086-0580019 or Landline 066-9767833 Ext 2   Marriage Enrichment Weekend 5th – 7th November 2021 Restore Communication, Renew Commitment and Rekindle Romance. This is an online experience (using Zoom), starting on Friday at 8pm and ending on Sunday at 2:30pm. Details   Kerry County Council: Just to let you know that footpath works will commence in Boolteens village commencing this week (week beginning the 27th September) and will last for 4 weeks.   Kiltallagh graveyard: Please do not dump old wreaths, flowers or rubbish on the ditch. Take all rubbish home with you. Thank you.
  Eucharistic Ministers
Keel                 Oct. 9th        Marie Prendergast & David Flahive Kiltallagh      Oct.10th         Fergus Culloty & Catherine O’Connor               Keel                 Oct. 16th      John Carmody & Mary Ita Ladden Kiltallagh      Oct. 17th       Eileen Lovett & Mike Carroll
Keel                 Oct. 9th        Joan O’Connor & Eileen Murphy Kiltallagh      Oct. 10th      Catherine O’Connor & Breda Murphy      Keel                 Oct. 16th      Margaret Cournane & Eileen Prendiville Kiltallagh      Oct. 17th       Hannelore Harris & Eileen Lovett

Dear Lord,

Help me remember

what a difference

it makes when

I make time with You

a priority in my morning.

Awaken me in body

and spirit each day

with a desire to meet

 with You and to hear

 You speak words

of affirmation,

assurance, and wisdom

over my heart

as I prepare to go into my day.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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