Newsletter 26th September

Castlemaine Parish 26th Sunday in Ordinary Time 25th/26th September 2021

“Could you not have tolerated him for just one meal’’

According to a traditional Hebrew story, Abraham was sitting outside his tent one evening when he saw an old man, weary from age and journey, coming toward him. Abraham rushed out, greeted him, and then invited him into his tent. There he washed the old man’s feet and gave him food and drink. The old man immediately began eating without saying any prayer or blessing. So, Abraham asked him, “Don’t you worship God?” The old traveler replied, “I worship fire only and reverence no other god.” When Abraham heard this, he became incensed, grabbed the old man by the shoulders, and threw him out of his tent into the cold night air. When the old man had departed, God called to his friend Abraham and asked where the stranger was. Abraham replied, “I forced him out because he did not worship You.” God answered, “I have suffered him these eighty years although he dishonors me. Could you not endure him one night?” We are all children of God, and, hence, we have to love and tolerate everyone, as explained in today’s first reading and the Gospel.

Christian tolerance is brotherly and sisterly love; it asks that we bear with the weaknesses of others, without condoning the evil they do. Intolerance is a sign of a weak Faith. Intolerance is also ineffective. It does nothing but damage to the cause it seeks to defend. When we attack a heretic, we don’t change his mind, for the most part. We just give him an audience. To ban a book, is, almost surely, to make it a best seller. Condemning a sinner immediately draws people to defend him. An intolerant attitude will alienate, rather than attract, sinners. Only genuine agape love can overcome hatred. The Church should display this patient love to a hate-filled world. The Church is expected to present Christ to the world. How can the Church present Christ when it is arrogant or intolerant rather than loving others as Christ loves us? We cannot exalt love by encouraging hate. Hence, let us try both to learn and to practice the virtue of Christian brotherly and sisterly love in our interfaith and ecumenical endeavors by: a) remaining true to our conscience and beliefs, b) respecting the differences we encounter, c) working together on projects of common interest, d) affirming what is good in the other person’s position, even when we disagree on certain things, and e) allowing the light of Christ to shine through our loving words and deeds.

Moderator : Fr. Danny Broderick (087) 9061255 Parish House: 3 Meanus Heights, Castlemaine Parish Office:  Tue. & Thur. 9:30am-12:30pm   (087) 2979864 Email: Website: Safeguarding Children: Contact No (087) 6362780           Masses & Intentions   Sat. Sep. 25th                  Keel 10:00 a.m. 7.30 p.m. First Holy Communion Valerie Maloney, Lasabee & Thomas Harry O’Connor, Lasabee & Leeds   Sun. Sep. 26th   Kiltallagh 10:00 a.m.       Tues. Sep. 28th         Keel     10:00 a.m.     Thurs. Sep. 30th                          Keel   7:30 p.m.   Fri. Oct. 1st                 Kiltallagh 6:00 p.m.   First Friday Mass John Flynn, Ardcanaught   Sat. Oct. 2nd                   Keel   7:30 p.m.     John McKenna, Whitegate, Keel     Sun. Oct. 3rd                     Kiltallagh   10:00 a.m. Dan Keating, Ballygamboon     Reminder Masses will be streamed live online vis our webcam system: Log into www.castlemaineparish.comClick St. Gobnait’s, Keel for Mass in KeelClick St. Cathage’s for Mass in KiltallaghClick on arrow to play     Priest on Duty: Fr. Danny Broderick 087 9061255     Castlemaine Parish House We are very pleased to let you know that Castlemaine Parish Office has  relocated permanently to 3 Meanus Heights, Castlemaine. The Parish Office will be open to the public at the following days and times: Tuesday              9:30 a.m. – 12.30 p.m. Thursday            9.30 a.m. – 12.30 p.m. Please feel free to call in to book Masses, collect signed Mass cards for various occasions, drop in Parish Envelopes or for any reason – you will be more than welcome.  Please note the new parish telephone number is (087) 2979864 Our parish secretary will be available at this mobile number during office hours only. Feel free to leave a message on this number outside of office hours and we will get back to you during office hours. If you wish to speak to a Priest at any time, please ring Fr. Danny Broderick or the Priest on duty in the pastoral area on their own numbers.   Castledrum NS & Fybough NS: on October 5th next, are facilitating the collection of used clothes. You may leave your bags of clothes into either school during school hours. Please note that bed linen, curtains, towels or cushion are not accepted. Phone 086-1032348   Ballyfinane NS & Community Hall are holding a used clothes collection in Ballyfinane Community Hall on Friday morning October 1st at 9.30am. Bags of clothes can be dropped into the hall on Wednesday 29th, Thursday 30th September and October 1st between 8.30 and 9.30 am. Proceeds from the collection will be shared between Ballyfinane NS and Community Hall.   Ushers: we have suspended the role of Usher in our churches after this weekend. As Government guidelines change and attendance will increase. We would like to thank all the Ushers who helped keep our churches safe during a very uncertain time and gave of their time freely. Sanitising will continue after every Mass and we will remain vigilant in keeping everyone safe.   Parish Office: Next week the Parish Office will be closed on Tuesday 28th September. We will be open on Thursday 30th Sep. and Friday 1st October.   The Hail Holy Queen Conference will be on Radio Maria Ireland on Saturday October 9th,  at 2pm.  Guest speakers include Bishop John Keenan, Dr. Patrick Kenny, Fr. Gerry McCloskey, and Dr. Blythe Kaufman. On the following day (Sunday Oct 10th), the Coastal Rosary will take place at 2.30pm.  Join people from around Ireland to pray the Rosary for Life and Faith at our grottos, churches, at the coasts and other suitable places.  We encourage you to gather safely being mindful of COVID 19 regulations.  Simply sign up a Rosary location at www. or  text 087 278 6552.    
  Eucharistic Ministers
Keel                 Sep. 25th      David Flahive & William Evans Kiltallagh      Sep.26th         Miriam Ryan & Catherine O’Connor Keel                 Oct. 2nd             Margaret Cournane & Michael Murphy     Kiltallagh      Oct. 3rd          Jack Keating & Bernie Nagle
Keel                 Sep. 25th       Owen McCarthy & Mary Nagle Kiltallagh      Sep. 26th       Maurice Daly & John Quirke
Keel                 Sep. 25th        Mary Bartley & Deirdre O’Shea Kiltallagh      Sep. 26th        Catherine O’Connor & Breda Murphy Keel                 Oct. 2nd          Marie O’Brien & Eileen Prendeville Kiltallagh      Oct. 3rd           Eileen Keating & Bernie Nagle

Upcoming Sacramental Celebrations

First Holy Communion:

Keel Church for Castledrum N.S.

                                     Saturday 25th Sept at 10:00am

Prayer for Today

God our Father, I believe that You

created me for a special purpose,

and that You have a perfect plan

for my life.

I ask that You fulfill Your

purpose for me and help me to do

my part by earnestly seeking You

daily through prayer and Your Word.

As I seek You each day, I ask  

You will guide me along the best

pathway for my life

In Jesus name.


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