Newsletter 12th September

Castlemaine Parish 24th Sunday in Ordinary Time 11th/12th September 2021

Baby powder and Christian powder:

Yakov Smirnoff is a comedian from Russia. When he first arrived in the United States from Russia he was not prepared for the incredible variety of instant products available in American grocery stores. He says, “On my first shopping trip with my friend, I saw milk powder; you just add hot water, and you get milk. Then I saw orange powder; you just add cold water, and you get orange juice. And then I saw baby powder, and I thought to myself, ‘What a country, you add water to a tin of powder and get a baby!’”

— Smirnoff was joking on a comedy show. But some preachers, preach such instant Christian transformation, leading to eternal salvation. According to this belief, when someone surrenders one’s life to Christ, accepts Christ as one’s personal God and Saviour and confesses one’s sins to Jesus, there is an immediate, substantive, in-depth, miraculous change in habits, attitudes, and character and one becomes eligible for eternal salvation. Unfortunately, there is no such Christian powder, and disciples of Jesus Christ are not instantly born. They are slowly raised through many trials, suffering, and temptations. They are saved by their faithful and lifelong cooperation with the grace of God, given for doing good and avoiding evil and for obeying His commandments. In today’s Gospel, Jesus explains what his disciples should do: “Deny yourself, take up your cross and follow me.”

“I see millions of stars:”

The story is told of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson on a camping trip. As they lay sleeping one night, Holmes woke Watson and said, “Watson, look up into the sky and tell me what you see.” Watson said, “I see millions of stars.” Holmes asked, “And what does that tell you?” Watson replied, “Astronomically, it tells me that there are millions of galaxies and potentially billions of planets. Theologically, it tells me that God is great and that we are small and insignificant. Meteorologically, it tells me that we will have a beautiful day tomorrow. And what does it tell you?” Holmes answered, “Someone stole our tent!” Some people are great at speculative knowledge but when it comes to its implication for practical living, they score zero. Such is Peter in today’s Gospel.

Fr. Danny Broderick (087) 9061255 Parish Residence: 18 Ballyoughtragh Heights, Milltown Parish Office:  Wed. & Fri. 9:30am-12:30pm   066-9767312 Email: Website: Safeguarding Children: Contact No (087) 6362780     Baptisms: Welcome into our Christian community Rían Patrick O’Shea, Gurrane, Ballyfinnane       Masses & Intentions   Sat. Sep. 11th                  Keel 10:00 a.m.   7.30 p.m. First Holy Communion   Sun. Sep. 12th   Kiltallagh 10:00 a.m. Willie Burke, Ballygamboon     Tues. Sep. 14th       Keel     10:00 a.m.    Wed. Sep. 15th Keel 6:00 p.m.   Confirmation     Thurs. Sep. 16th                        Kiltallagh   Keel   7:00 p.m.   7:30 p.m. Confirmation   Timmy & Hannah O’Connell, Ballyarkane   Sat. Sep. 18th                  Keel   10:00 a.m. 7:30 p.m.     First Holy Communion   Helen Knightly, Keel     Sun. Sep. 19th                     Kiltallagh   10:00 a.m. Mary, Maurice & Con Quirke, Gransha Lower     Reminder Masses will be streamed live online vis our webcam system: Log into www.castlemaineparish.comClick St. Gobnait’s, Keel for Mass in KeelClick St. Cathage’s for Mass in KiltallaghClick on arrow to play     Communion Calls: will take place on Friday 17th September. Anyone who wishes to receive Holy Communion in their home, please email the Parish Office   Season of Creation 2021: on Thursday September 16th the Diocese of Kerry Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation Committee invite you to ‘Restoring Our Common Home… Webinar, Caring for God’s Creatures’ as part of Season of Creation 2021. To register for this free hour-long webinar please log on to   Guided Pilgrimages on the Lough Derg Pilgrim Path will be offered on Sunday 11th, Wednesday 15th, Saturday 18th & Sunday 26th September and Sunday 3rd October, with Mass outdoors, weather permitting.  The full route is a 12km loop, with a shorter 8km option.   Advance booking is essential. Email  or telephone 0(0353) 719861518.        Anam Cara would like to invite you to join them for an online Bereavement Information and Support Evening taking place 16th September at 7pm. This event will give you an opportunity to hear a bereavement professional talk about the difficult challenges and many milestones grieving a child of any age has on you and your family. If you would like to join us, please register here or or 085 288 8888   ALONE manage a national support line and additional supports for older people who have concerns or are facing difficulties relating to COVID-19 (Coronavirus). Professional staff are available to answer queries and give advice and reassurance where necessary. The support line is open seven days a week, 8am – 8pm, by calling 0818 222 024.   CANCER support charity, Recovery Haven Kerry, will host a free, six-week online course for those supporting a loved one with cancer, beginning on September 14th.Given over two and a half hours, one day a week, for six weeks, the Building Better Caregivers programme will offer valuable support and practical advice to those dealing with a cancer diagnosis of a loved one, family member or friend. The six-week programme will commence on Tuesday, September 14th and will run weekly, via Zoom,  from 10.30am to 1pm.Those interested in taking part can now register by phoning Recovery Haven Kerry on 0667192122 or emailing   The Irish Catholic is available for sale in the Church or Parish Office.     Priest on Duty: Fr. Fergal Ryan 087 2408540    
  Eucharistic Ministers
Keel                 Sep. 11th       John Carmody & Mary Ita Ladden  Kiltallagh      Sep.12th          Fergus Culloty & Colm Lynch Keel                 Sep. 18th      Elizabeth Ryle O’Connor & Patrick Flynn Kiltallagh      Sep. 19th      Eileen Lovett & Mike Carroll
Keel                 Sep. 11th       Ger Ladden & Mary Kennedy Kiltallagh      Sep. 12th       Claire O’Connor Keel                 Sep. 18th       Siobhan Cournane & Keith McGuigan Kiltallagh      Sep. 19th       Eileen Lovett & Michael Harris
Keel                 Sep. 11th        Margaret Cournane & Joan Sheehan Kiltallagh      Sep. 12th        Claire O’Connor  Keel                 Sep. 18th        Joan O’Connor & Eileen Murphy Kiltallagh      Sep. 19th        Hannelore Harris & Aileen Griffin

Confirmation in St. Gobnaits Church, Keel

Congratulations to all the children from Fybough National School who received the Sacrament of Confirmation on Wednesday 8th September.

A special acknowledgement to their classroom teacher, SNA’s and all involved in their Faith formation. We look forward to receiving the First Holy Communion & Confirmation children this week in Keel, Kiltallagh & Killorglin churches.

Upcoming Sacramental Celebrations

First Holy Communion:

Keel Church for St. Joseph’s N.S., Castlemaine & Fybough N.S.

                                     Saturday 11th Sept at 10:00am

Keel Church for Castledrum N.S.

                                     Saturday 25th Sept at 10:00am


Keel Church for Castledrum N.S.

                                           Wednesday 15th September 7:00pm

Killorglin Church for St. Joseph’s N.S., Castlemaine

                                             Wednesday 15th September 7:30pm               

Kiltallagh Church for Ballyfinane N.S.  

      Thursday 16th September 7:00pm

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