Newsletter March 28th

­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­ Castlemaine Parish Palm Sunday of the Lords Passion   27th/28th March 2021

Pastoral Message for Holy Week and Easter 2021

If I, your Lord and Master, have washed your feet,

how much more should you wash each other’s feet?  Jn 13:14

What a year! Together all of us have lived through a year of the corona virus, each has experienced it in our own unique circumstances. The Winter months have been particularly difficult. The light and new green growth of Springtime has never been so welcome, and it has coincided with the season of Lent. Let us keep our spirits up and encourage one another in following public health guidance.

Thank God for the way so many people have been there for each other, thank God for the way front line workers have sacrificed themselves to provide essential services. We are full of gratitude; how important it is to live lives of generous service. Individually we are at our best when our communities are at their best.

With government guidance at level 5, and with a genuine concern that we could have another major wave of the virus ahead, it is understandable but sad that we have our Easter ceremonies without a congregation. It is a blessing that you can join in the ceremonies so easily from your home via modern technology. What we miss is the dual presence: the presence of the community gathered in church, and together receiving the Real Presence at the altar.

In some ways it seems like the past year has been one long Lent! If so, what word has God spoken to your heart through it? Here are three points to reflect on as we come to Easter 2021:

  • Live every day putting your trust in God. In times of great difficulty, in times when life gets us down, we look to Jesus for peace. Jesus’ word to us always is, “Fear not, have peace in your heart, I am with you”. In time of difficulty, regarding health or death, employment or finances, loneliness or depression we sense in our hearts, ‘God is with me, God will see me through, – all will be well’. Have basic Christian hope in your heart, – trust in God in all things!
  • This Holy Week and Easter, joining in Mass from home, seek nourishment at the table of God’s word. The introduction to the Roman Missal speaks of the Liturgy of the Word at Mass: “When the Sacred Scriptures are read in church, God himself speaks to his People, and Christ, present in his own word, proclaims the Gospel” (29). When you go forth from the Easter ceremonies carry words from the scriptures in your heart:  the Last Supper, ‘you should  wash each other’s feet’; the commemoration of the Passion, ‘This is my body, given up for you’; Easter morning, ‘You are looking for Jesus of Nazareth, who was crucified, He is risen …’.
  • This year has reminded us that home is where we pray each day.  Home is the place where we first received our faith and where we live it. In the home God is present with us. Prayer in the home is the time we spend turned towards God, – talking to him about our lives and asking his help; giving praise and thanks; asking forgiveness and renewing our trust. Has prayer in the home helped you and your family over the past year? It will be a great blessing if, when this virus is finally a memory, we have a new awareness of prayer in the home.

A word of thanks to our priests and deacons, and all who have contributed to the life of our parishes over the past year. A word of thanks to our schools for the great work they have done. A word of encouragement to all young people looking forward to First Confession, First Communion or Confirmation. We cannot make any plans until we know when we will have congregations in church. The situation is disappointing, but the ceremonies will be worth waiting for. Another group who have suffered are the Leaving Cert. students. May they trust that all will be well and, come the Autumn, they will be satisfied with the options that come their way.

Thank you to all who have continued to contribute to parish funds and the parish dues for our priests. Keep up the good work. Priests have been greatly encouraged by your faithfulness. Please remember other local charities and voluntary bodies over the Easter season, so much fundraising has not been possible. All need funds to pay for the basics like insurance, heating, and the overheads of an office. Please, let us not forget the Lenten campaign of Trocaire. If the corona virus has been hard on us, how much more difficult has it been for the communities Trocaire supports?

Finally, every time we pray over the Easter season let us all, people and priests, remember the deceased of the past year, and their grieving loved ones. Have a comforting word for the bereaved when you meet. In this world and in the next our hope is in Christ, “Christ is Risen, alleluia”. Be assured of my prayers.

Bishop Ray Browne

Palm Sunday 2021

Priest on Duty: Fr. Kevin Sullivan 087 6277638

Fr. Danny Broderick 087 9061255

Parish Residence: 18 Ballyoughtragh Heights, Milltown

Rev. Conor Bradley 087 3664057

Parish Office: open Wed. & Fri 9:30-12:30   066-9767312



Safeguarding Children: Contact No (087) 6362780                                         

 We welcome into our Christian community Zoe Nicola Dwyer O’Connor,  Knockbrack, Firies    

Masses & intentions online
Sat. Mar. 27th 7:30 p.m.John Barton, Keel Broadcast from Keel
Sun. Mar. 28th   10:00 a.m.      Blessings on our schools in the Parish Broadcast from Kiltallagh
Tue. Mar. 30th       6.30 p.m. 7:00 p.m.Stations of the Cross Broadcast from Listry
Wed. Mar. 31st9:00 a.m.Broadcast from Milltown
Thur. Apr. 1st8.30pmHoly Thursday – Mass of the Lords Supper Broadcast from Keel
Fri. Apr. 2nd   3pm   8pm      Good Friday – The Passion of Our Lord                        Broadcast from Keel                          Stations of Cross                                                                           Broadcast from Kiltallagh
Sat. Apr. 3rd    7:30 p.m.Vigil Mass of the Resurrection                          Seamus O’Connor, Keel – 1st Anniversary Broadcast from Keel Church
Sun. Apr. 4th  10:00 am    Easter Sunday                                     Broadcast from Kiltallagh Church


All Masses will be celebrated without a congregation due to Covid-19 Government Restrictions. 

Masses will be streamed online via our new webcam system:

  • Log into
  • Scroll down to the bottom of page to where it says Live Streams.
  • Click St. Gobnait’s, Keel for Mass in Keel
  • Click on ► to play
  • Click St. Carthage’s for Mass in Kiltallagh
  • Click on ► to play    

Trócaire: Every year Trócaire asks for your help during Lent to fund lifesaving programmes around the world. Families like Awut and Ajak’s in South Sudan need your support  now more than ever. Trócaire are appealing to you to continue your support this Lent. Resources, prayers and videos are available on and donations can be made to the Lent campaign in the following ways:

  1. By collecting a Trócaire box available from the porches of both Keel and Kiltallagh churches or from the Parish Office.
  2. Online at
  3. By phone: 1850 408 408 (ROI) or 0800 912 1200 (NI)

The contents of each and every Trócaire box, no matter how small, come together to make a significant difference. This virus knows no borders, but neither does our compassion. Thank you for your continued support. 

The way of the Cross: As we approach Holy Week, the prayer of the Way of the Cross may have become more and more important to us. The Way of the Cross can be viewed online through our diocesan YouTube channel –

Leap of Faith in Times of Transition, an Online Workshop for Young Adults aged 18 to 30 years on 8th April from 7.30pm to 9.00pm. The workshop will be led by Gerry and Miriam Hussey. Join us for this event planned by Diocese of Kerry “YouthDoK” Young Adult Group  for Young Adults. Further information available and registration on

St. Patrick’s College Maynooth: Application for Pastoral Courses will remain opened until 9th April 2021. Further information

ALONE manage a national support line and additional supports for older people who have concerns or are facing difficulties relating to COVID-19 (Coronavirus). Professional staff are available to answer queries and give advice and reassurance where necessary. The support line is open seven days a week, 8am – 8pm, by calling 0818 222 024.

Little Way Sunday School is an online faith initiative geared towards children. Short videos explain the Sunday gospel, much like a small faith lesson, followed by a short reflection from a priest. Children are given a  “mission task” for the week. The videos are very engaging and enjoyable and last between 6 and 9 minutes, to hold children’s attention. “Little Way Sunday School” is a fantastic resource for your family’s faith journey particularly if your children are preparing for the sacraments of Holy Communion, Confession or Confirmation and Easter celebrations. It is a wonderful resource for journeying through Advent towards Christmas and on through the year. Check them out on YouTube or Facebook.

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