Newsletter 24th January

The Mission:  starts this Sunday Jan 24th and runs to Friday 29th Jan. The Mission, Be Christ’s Joy, offers an opportunity for people to gather in reflection and in prayer, online and in the home. Like the traditional Parish Mission, all are welcome to participate. We invite you to register on the Diocesan Website:, for the Mission and to encourage others to do the same. On registration you will get an email each morning of the Mission, offering links to all the daily Mission activities. The Mission booklet is available online on the diocesan website –         

Join us for Mission 2021 – an opportunity for us to gather in reflection and in prayer, online and in our homes.

Mission talk each evening @ 8.00 p.m.

  • Sunday’s speaker – John Connell, author, journalist, farmer.
  • Monday’s speaker – Martina Lehane Sheehan, spiritual guide, psychotherapist, author
  • Tuesday’s speaker – Fr Peter McVerry, social activist, advocate for the homeless, Jesuit priest
  • Wednesday’s speaker – Jane Mellett, activist, environmentalist and Laudato Si Trócaire worker
  • Thursday’s speaker – Br Richard Hendricks, spiritual teacher, poet and blogger, Franciscan brother.
  • Friday’s speaker – Olive Foley, widow of Axel Foley and ambassador for Children’s Bereavement Services, Limerick.

Each day, you are invited to join in

  • Morning Reflection – online
  • Daily Prayer – Mission booklet can be picked up in your local parish or downloaded from the website
  • Daily Mass @ 10. 30 a.m.   – Send in your petitions online to have them included in the Mission Mass
  • Children’s Pray and Play – online
  • Evening Reflection – online

You can also tune into Mission 2021 on Horizons and Just a Thought with Radio Kerry, also on Facebook and Instagram.


Parishioners may leave candles for blessing at the back of Keel and Kiltallagh church. Candles will be blessed for Candlemas on 2nd February.

Parish envelopes

While there are no Masses in our churches you may drop your Parish envelopes or Mass Intentions to:

  • Helena’s Local XL shop in Castlemaine, to a secure box
  • Every Saturday at Keel Church between 3pm – 4.30pm
  • Post Box outside the Parish Office V93 X293 or
  • Fr Danny’s house at 18 Ballyoughtragh Heights, Milltown

Churches will remain open for private prayer

When visiting our churches:

  • Please sanitise your hands on entering and leaving the church
  • Keep a safe distance from others who may be in the church
  • Wear a mask whilst in the church

A Prayer to the Creator

Lord, Father of our human family,

you created all human beings

equal in dignity:

pour forth into our hearts a fraternal spirit

and inspire in us

a dream of renewed encounter,

dialogue, justice and peace.

Move us to create healthier societies

and a more dignified world,

a world without hunger, poverty,

violence and war.

May our hearts be open

to all the peoples and nations of the earth.

may we recognize the goodness and beauty

that you have sown in each of us,

and thus forge bonds of unity,

common projects,

 and shared dreams.


Priest on duty this weekend

Fr Kieran O’Sullivan 087 2432155

­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­ Castlemaine Parish Third Sunday in Ordinary Time            23rd/24th January 2021

“Come to me all you who labour and are   overburdened

You will find rest for your souls.” Mt 11:28

Soon it will be a year since the coronavirus first impacted on all our lives.  A difficult year, but a year that leaves us with a good feeling too.  Enforced staying at home has led many to a deeper appreciation of ourselves and of our homes and communities.

Something that will prove of lasting benefit is Zoom and webinars.  This technology has made possible our Diocesan Mission.  I thank the team at the Diocesan Pastoral Centre for their good work.

May the Mission be a time for reflecting together on the past year, evoking both gratitude for how our country has responded, and trust in God for what lies ahead.

                                                 Bishop Ray Browne

                                                      Diocese of Kerry

Parish Residence: 18 Ballyoughtragh Heights, Milltown

Rev. Conor Bradley (087) 3664057

Parish Office: open Wed. & Fri 9:30-12:30   066-9767312



Safeguarding Children: Contact No (087) 6362780


All Masses will be celebrated without a congregation due to COVID-19 Government Restrictions

Mass is broadcast on 106fm and all Weekend Masses will continue to be streamed online via

Masses & intentions online
Sat. Jan. 23rd7:30 p.m.Dan Prendergast, Boolteens West
Sun. Jan. 24th11:15 a.m.            Nora Maher, Main Street, Milltown
Tue. Jan. 26th   7:00 p.m.Dan & Mary McCarthy, Lissivane West
Wed. Jan. 27th  9:00 a.m. 
Fri. Jan. 29th   7:00 p.m. 
Sat. Jan. 30th    7:30 p.m.Catherine Corcoran, Boolteens East
Sun. Jan. 31st     11:15 a.m.Bob Dan & Lizzie McKenna, Callinafercy

Parish Office is closed to the public while we in Level 5.

However, we will be working behind closed doors should you wish to contact us.

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