Newsletter 24th December

Castlemaine Parish                                                                    Navtivity of Our Lord Jesus Christ – 24th/25th December 2022

Mass Intentions

Sat. 24th Dec.Keel   Kiltallagh  8:00 pm   10:00 pm  Christmas Vigil Mass  
Sun. 25th Dec.Kiltallagh   Keel  9:00 am   11:00 am  Christmas Day Mass
Tues 27th Dec.Keel  10:00 am 
Thur. 29th Dec.Keel7.30 pm   
Sat. 31st Dec.Keel  7.30 pm 
Sun. 1st Jan.Kiltallagh10:00 am   

No Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament in

St Gobnaits Church, Keel on 26th December and 2nd January

Priest on Duty: Fr. Fergal Ryan 087 2408540

                                   Eucharistic Ministers
Keel31st Dec.David Flahive & William Evans
Kiltallagh1st Jan.Fergus Culloty & Catherine O’Connor
Keel31st Dec.Shirley Fisher
Kiltallagh1st Jan.Maurice Daly
Altar Society
Keel31st Dec.Maura Barton
Kiltallagh1st Jan.Hannelore Harris
Offertory Collectors
KeelJanuaryJohn Ryan Nagle & James Nagle
KiltallaghJanuaryTed Murphy & Brendan Dennehy
  • Parish Office: will be closed for Christmas on 27th & 29th Dec & 3rd Jan.
  • Offertory collection for the last two weeks:1260.00 Míle Buíochas
  • , Lisbon, Portugal

Next July, the diocese will travel with 22 young adults to Lisbon, Portugal.  We will travel on July 31st to August 8th, 2023.  All young people between the ages of 18 and 35 to join us.  For more details regarding costs or for an application form, please contact Tomás Kenny on 086 3683778

  • Inch Christmas Day Swim All are invited to take part in 13th annual Inch beach Christmas Day swim @ 12:30pm. All proceeds will be donated to the Kerry Cancer Support Group. Complimentary warm drinks will be served in Sammy’s Store afterwards.  More Information (087)7578980 or (087) 3942096.
  • Samaritans Annual Collection: will take place in all Parishes on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. Anyone unable to attend, can donate on or
  • Christmas Eve Mass: in Listry at 6pm will be live on Radio Kerry. Anyone attending are asked to be in the Church no later than 5.45pm.

Thank you all for your continuous kindness and generosity during the past year. Thank you sincerely to all who give of their time voluntarily to the church also. I wish you all the peace, joy, and blessings which Christ brings at Christmas, and I hope that the New Year will be blessed for you and your families in 2023.                   

                                                                  Fr. Danny Broderick