Newsletter 5th February

­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­ Castlemaine Parish Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time              5th/6th February 2022

Catching fish from the shop:

A man had spent fruitless day fishing. He didn’t want to go home empty-handed. He decided to stop at a local fish market. “I’d like three good sized fish,” he said to the clerk. “But before you wrap them, toss them to me, one by one.” The clerk looked puzzled at his request, “Sir? That’s a strange thing to ask.” Smiling the man said, “This way I’ll be able to tell my wife truthfully that I caught them!” – Christ is the true fisher of men…..

Peter in today’s Gospel and Isaiah in the first reading express their unworthiness to be in the presence of God’s great holiness, and Peter and Isaiah both immediately receive their Divine calls. The Responsorial Psalm (Ps 138) gives us a prayer, “The Lord will complete what He has done for me; Your kindness, O Lord, endures forever…,” that could reflect the gratitude experienced by those who follow God’s call.

Today’s second reading describes the call of another great apostle, Paul, who judges himself to be unworthy of the name or the call as he was a former persecutor of the Christians. It was by giving these three men a strong conviction of their unworthiness and of their need for total dependence on His grace that God prepared them for their missions. The calls of these various ministers of God are set before us so that we can reassess our own call from God and our response to Him. The Second Vatican Council teaches that we are all called to ministry by virtue of our Baptism into Jesus Christ. The same Spirit of God that moved Isaiah, Peter, and Paul to take action in serving God, now dwells within you and me from our Baptism. The Holy Spirit is calling us to Holiness and offering us the means to attain it (the Sacraments). He is also calling us, the baptised, to  continue His mission by spreading the Good News.

Has our response to the Lord’s call been all that it ought to be?

Moderator : Fr. Danny Broderick (087) 9061255

Parish House: 3 Meanus Heights, Castlemaine

Parish Office:  Tue. & Thur. 9:30am-12:30pm   (087) 2979864



Safeguarding Children: Contact No (087) 6362780

                         Masses & Intentions
Fri. Feb. 4thKiltallagh6:00 p.m.First Friday Mass Michael Harris, Meanus Heights
Sat. Feb. 5th Keel7:30 p.m.Katherine Corcoran, Boolteens East & Ardcanaught
Sun. Feb. 6thKiltallagh10:00 a.m.Senan & Frances Gibson, Tralee
Tue. Feb. 8th      Keel10:00 a.m. 
Thur.Feb.10th Keel7:30 p.m.Nora Evans, Ballyarkane
Sat. Feb. 12th    Kiltallagh     Keel11:00 a.m.     7:30 p.m.Eddie McCarthy, Ballyfinnane & UK Requiem Mass   Gertrude Teahan & deceased members of the Teahan & Dalton families
Sun. Feb.13th     Kiltallagh10:00 a.m.Rose Harris, Clonmel

Priest on Duty: Fr. Fergal Ryan 087 2408540

Parish Envelopes: To begin with, I would like to thank you for your generous and loyal financial contributions in 2021. It is greatly appreciated by the priests and the Parish Finance Committee. It keeps the parish healthy on a financial front and covers the costs incurred by the priests in ministering in Castlemaine Parish.

Our parish envelopes have been prepared and are ready for distribution. I would be very grateful if those who distribute them in their areas would pick them up from the sacristy after Mass this month. As in other parishes, a considerable number of boxes are distributed, but it is not matched by the number of envelopes that are returned to the parish. With this in mind, boxes have been prepared for those who have returned them in the last number of years. The cost of the envelopes and boxes is surprisingly expensive and it did not make financial sense to continue to distribute the boxes to a number of homes. If any new parishioners who have not received a box in the past and wish to contribute through the envelope system, please contact the parish office and one will be forwarded to you. Also, if for any reason you do not receive a box in the coming weeks, please contact our parish secretary and she will supply you with one. A huge advantage in contributing by envelope is that the parish is able to receive a tax rebate which is of considerable help to the parish. Again, many thanks for your support and please contact me or the parish secretary if you have any queries. 

Fr. Kevin, on behalf of the Parish Finance Committee.

Parish Pastoral Council are inviting you to join us in bringing our Parish to life through your sharing of your gifts, talents, creativity, colour, time, energy, freshness and enthusiasm. We need you, and encourage you to let your light shine through all the various ministries in our Parish – through reading at our Masses; to give Communion; to sing or play music; to help organise Liturgies and join the Liturgy Group; to arrange flowers; to join our Pastoral Council and share your dreams and vision for the Parish; to care for our Church buildings and surroundings; to share your IT and social media skills. There are a myriad of ways to be part of our Church community and nurture a sense of belonging and ownership. There is room for everybody. So, don’t be shy or hold back. Make yourself known to Fr. Danny or any member of the Pastoral Council and a warm welcome will be extended to you. Fr. Danny Broderick, Aileen Griffin, PJ Ryan,

Anne-Marie Griffin, John Richard Deane, Katherine O’Connor, and Caroline McCarthy.

Guidelines for Ministers of The Word: As a Minister of the Word, you are speaking God’s word. Your greatest responsibility is to let God speak through you, because the message of the reader is the message of God. So it is important that we understand the meaning of the reading, so we can bring it alive for the people.

Guidelines from the Dioceses of Kerry will be distributed to all Ministers of the Word and copies are also available in the Sacristy of both churches in the Parish.

Trócaire would like to thank you for your generous donations and your purchases of Trócaire Gifts of Love. Your money goes to the developing world, buying life changing gifts for people who really need them as well as finding critical work in Trócaire’s justice, resource rights and women’s empowerment programmes. Your Gifts of Love are circling the globe and changing lives.

Parents Plus Healthy Families Programme starting on the 15th February to 5th April 2022 (8 weeks) On-line, via Zoom with Maine Valley FRC from 6.30 – 8.30 pm For more information or to reserve your place, Colette on 0876953023; Helen on 0873694169

The Kingdom Gospel Choir: The Kingdom Gospel Choir are re-commencing rehearsals (fortnightly) starting on Friday 11th February from 8-9pm in the Friary Church Killarney. New members always welcome. No singing experience necessary. For more information contact Caoimhe on 0870669858.

Fybough NS is now accepting applications for enrolment for September 2022. Please contact the school for Enrolment Form at or 066-9766301

Ballyfinane Community Hall Association AGM: Due to unforeseen circumstances we had to cancel our AGM on Tuesday night last.  The AGM will now take place on Tuesday February 15th @ 8.15 pm. Sorry for any inconvenience caused.

Online Pre Sacramental Preparation talk for Parents: The Diocese of Kerry will be hosting an online event for Parents whose child is going forward for the sacraments of First Holy Communion. Dr Dan O Connell will be presenting an online talk – Frist Communion Journeying with your child – on Monday 14th Feb. at 7pm. Register online @   For further information email:  or phone 064 6632644  

Requiem Mass for Eddie McCarthy, Ballyfinnane & UK will be held on Saturday 12th February at 11am in Kiltallagh Church. Reposing at O’Connor’s Funeral Home, Firies on Friday 11th February between 7pm-8pm.

Eucharistic Ministers
Keel                 Feb. 5th         John Carmody & Mary Ita Ladden Kiltallagh      Feb. 6th         Eileen Lovett & Mike Carroll Keel                 Feb. 12th           Elizabeth Ryle O’Connor & Patrick Flynn   Kiltallagh      Feb. 13th            Miriam Ryan & Colm Lynch
Keel                 Feb. 5th        Margaret Cournane & Joan Sheehan Kiltallagh      Feb. 6th        Hannelore Harris & Eileen Lovett  Keel                 Feb. 12th      Deirdre O’Shea & Eileen Murphy Kiltallagh      Feb. 13th         Claire O’Connor
Keel                 Feb. 5th          Eileen Murphy Kiltallagh      Feb. 6th         Albert King Keel                 Feb. 12th       Family Readers    Kiltallagh      Feb. 13th          Family Readers        
Altar Society
Keel                 Feb. 5th         Joan O’Connor & Gretta Ryan Kiltallagh      Feb. 6th          Caroline Lynch Keel                 Feb. 12th       Susan & Sarah Clifford Kiltallagh      Feb. 13th           Marie Culloty

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