Newsletter 13th October

Castlemaine Parish                                                                    Twenty Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time  12th/13th October

Sat. 12th Oct.Keel  7:30 pm  Sean & Mary Murphy, Farnes
Sun. 13th Oct.Kiltallagh10:00 am  Mary Anne Keane, Annagh  
Tue. 15th Oct.Keel10:00 am   
Thur. 17th Oct.Keel7.30 pm  James Long, Cahirfilane Months Mind  
Sat. 19th Oct.Keel  7:30 pmBridie O’Sullivan, Castledrum
Sun. 20th Oct.Kiltallagh  10:00 amMary, Maurice & Con Quirke, Gransha Lower  

Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament takes place every Monday in

St Gobnait’s Church, Keel from 11am – 7pm

Priest on Duty: Fr Kevin Sullivan 087 6277638

  • Offertory collection: €637 Míle Buíochas
  • Second Collection: for Mission Sunday next weekend 19th/20th October.
  • Coffee Morning: A big thank you to everyone who supported our coffee morning in Ballyfinane Hall recently. We raised €740 for Hospice.
  • Ballyfinane Hall opened in 1984. We will celebrate the 40th Anniversary in the hall on Sunday 20th October at 2pm. Prayer Service and blessing at 2pm, followed by refreshments, music and kids entertainment. There will be photographs, minute books and hall memorabilia on display that day.

You are all very welcome.

  • Poll an Aifrinn annual Mass Keelacloghane Wood will be held on Sunday 20th October at 3pm. In the event of poor weather on the day, this Mass will take place in the Milltown Church. All are welcome.
  • Mission Month Diocese of Kerry Webinar with Sr. Anne Carbon, Congregational Leader of the Missionary Sisters of St. Columban on Thursday 17th October at 7.30pm. Registration on

Theme for Mission Month is “Go and Invite Everyone to the Banquet MT         22:9” Mission Sunday will be held on 20th October.

  • Our Lady of Fatima anniversary of the Miracle of the Sun. We will commemorate this event which happened in Fatima in 1917.  We will meet on Sunday 13th October at 3pm on Main St Killarney. Why not join us in reciting the rosary, the Divine Mercy Chaplet, singing and sending blessings on the whole of Kerry and peg peace for the world. All are welcome.
  • Mass of Thanksgiving to celebrate 150 years of St Gobnait’s
  • Church Keel at 8pm on Friday 13th December in Keel. All are welcome.
Ministers of The Eucharist
Keel19th Oct.Marie Prendergast & David Flahive
Kiltallagh20th Oct.Eileen Lovett & Mike Carroll
Keel19th Oct.Family Readers
Kiltallagh20th Oct.Family Readers
Altar Society
Keel19th Oct.Maura Barton
Kiltallagh20th Oct.Anne Marie Griffin
Offertory Collectors
KeelOctoberPat Flynn & Emer Regan
KiltallaghOctoberGrainne Hayes & James Moriarty