Newsletter 28th January

Castlemaine Parish                                                                    Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time – 27th/28th Jan. 2024

Please pray for Joan Lawlor, Farnes

Sat. 27th Jan.Keel  7:30 pm  George Kane, Gortanedin
Sun. 28th Jan.Kiltallagh10:00 am  John, Julie Ann, Christy & Jack Barrett, Gransha Upper  
Tues. 30th Jan.Keel  10:00 am 
Thurs 1st Feb.Keel  7:30 pm   
Fri. 2nd Feb.Kiltallagh  6:00 pmFirst Friday Mass
Sat. 3rd Feb.Kiltallagh     Keel  1:00 pm     7:30 pmHelen Purcell, Knockmoyle Tralee Months Mind   Bridie Ladden, Farnes
Sun. 4th Feb.Kiltallagh  10:00 amSenan & Frances Gibson, Tralee & Kilkee  

            Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament takes place every Monday in

St Gobnait’s Church, Keel from 11am – 7pm

Priest on Duty: Fr. Danny Broderick 087 9061255

  • Offertory collection: €626.00.  Míle Buíochas
  • Candlemas: is Friday 2nd Feb. If any parishioners would like to have candles blessed after Mass, next weekend – please bring your own candles.
  • St Blaise Feast Day: is Saturday 3rd February. Throats will be blessed after Mass next weekend if anyone would like a blessing.
  • Maine Valley FRC Castlemaine will run Rainbows Separation programme for children aged 9 & 10 years in February .  Programme starts on Tuesday 20th February 7-8pm.  Ring 087 3694169 to book a place. 
  • Line Dancing Class is starting in Keel Community Centre on Thursdays February 8th ,15th, 22nd,29th & March 7th from 6:45pm- 8pm. The course costs 50 euros and is for everyone.  Phone Trish on 087 7538692
  • Castlemaine Community Gym:  re-opened this weekend. Welcome back!

To join please contact 066 9765986. Open 7 days a week.

  • Consider becoming a Trócaire Parish Volunteer and help make a difference in some of our world’s most vulnerable communities.  If you care about social and global justice, this could be for you. For more information, call Fr Joe Begley on 086-2498967 or Janet Twomey on 021-4275622 or email
  • Mindfulness Course in Keel Community Centre on Tuesdays February 20th & 27th, March 5th, 12th, & 19th. Please contact Margaret on 087 3939700 or Phil on 087 0974181 as spaces are limited. This is a free course.
  • Study Theology Online, is this for you? The Priory Institute provides online Theology courses to degree level. Attend Saturday lectures in Tallaght or from the comfort of your own home. Register before 14th   February. Find out more on our website,
                                   Eucharistic Ministers
Keel3rd Feb.Elizabeth Ryle O’Connor & Patrick Flynn
Kiltallagh4th Feb.Eileen Lovett & Mike Carroll
Keel3rd Feb.Family Readers
Kiltallagh4th Feb.Family Readers
Altar Society
Keel3rd Feb.Linda Flynn
Kiltallagh4th Feb.Caroline & Jane Lynch
Offertory Collectors
KeelFebruary   Jer Foley & Tommy Griffin
KiltallaghFebruary  Brendan O’Connor & Sean O’Connor