Newsletter 18th September

Castlemaine Parish                                                                    25th Sunday in Ordinary Time – 17th/18th September ‘22

Mass Intentions

Sat. 17th SepKeel7:30 pm  Helen Knightly, Ballyarkane
Sun. 18th SepKiltallagh10:00 am  Jim Burke, Rathpooke & Ballygamboon  
Tues 20th SepKeel10:00 am   
Thur. 22nd SepKeel7.30 pm   
Sat. 24th SepKeel  7:30 pmValerie Maloney, Lasabee
Sun. 25th SepKiltallagh10:00 am   

Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament takes place every Monday in

St Gobnaits Church, Keel from 11am – 7pm

    Eucharistic Ministers
Keel24th SepDavid Flahive & William Evans
Kiltallagh25th SepMiriam Ryan & Colm Lynch
Keel24th SepGretta Ryan
Kiltallagh25th SepMike Carroll
Altar Society
Keel24th SepMary Foley
Kiltallagh25th SepAileen Griffin/Myra Griffin
Offertory Collectors
KeelSeptemberJoan Carter & Emer Regan
KiltallaghSeptemberWilliam Burke & John Quirke
  • Offertory Collection: €814.00  Míle Buíochas
  • Kerry Hospice Coffee Morning: will take place in Ballyfinane Community Hall on Thursday 22nd September from 9am to 12noon.

Also Castlemaine Community Centre – Tuesday 20th 9.30am – 4.00pm and Keel Community Centre  Thursday 22nd 9.30am – 1.00pm.

  • Recovery Haven Kerry – Cancer support group have a new course commencing “Seasons for Growth” on Thur 22 September from 7-9.30pm. This free course, which is funded by the Kerry ETB 

066 7192122

  • Kingdom Gospel Choir (ages 18+) , Kingdom Youth Gospel Choir (ages 9-12) & Kiddies Kingdom Gospel Choir (ages 4-8) recommencing. Adults choir taking place in the Friary church at 8pm on Friday 23rd Sept, Children choirs will take place on Saturdays in the John Paul II Pastoral Centre, Rock Road. Contact Caoimhe on

087 0669858.

  • Lourdes is gradually opening again. We plan to have a full diocesan Pilgrimage in the Autumn 2023. However, a small group of pilgrims are travelling this year on September 30th for a 3-night pilgrimage from Dublin €595. Please contact the diocesan office for details


  • Diocese of Kerry Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation Committee invite you on Thur 22 September to ‘Listen to the Voice of Creation Webinar’’ as part of Season of Creation 2022. To register for this free hour-long webinar please log on to
  • Cork Autism Online Conference 2022 – Autism: Beyond. Sunday, October 23. Speakers include Dr. Temple Grandin, Dr.Stephen Shore, Dr. Peter Vermeulen and other international speakers. Suitable for autistic people, parents, families, teachers, other professionals, and anyone with an interest in autism. Learn more:

Priest on Duty: Fr. Kevin Sullivan 087 6277638