Newsletter 1st May

Castlemaine Parish                                                                  Third Sunday of Easter – 30th April/1st May 2022

Mass Intentions

Sat. 30th AprilKiltallagh     Keel11:00 am     7:30 pmRequiem Mass for John & Ann Knightly, Castlemaine & UK   John & Molly Courtney, Whitegate & all deceased family
Sun. 1st MayKiltallagh10:00 amChristy Burke & all deceased Burke family, Castlemaine  
Tues 3rd MayKeel10:00 am 
Thur. 5th MayKeel7.30 pmDenis Cournane, Tubber & deceased family members  
Fri. 6th MayKiltallagh6:00 pmFirst Friday Mass  
Sat. 7th MayKeel     Keel    11:00 am     7:30 pmFirst Holy Communion Ceremony – Castledrum NS   Donal & Joan Corcoran, Boolteens  
Sun. 8th MayKiltallagh10:00 am   

Priest on Duty: Fr. Fergal Ryan 087 2408540

     Eucharistic Ministers
Keel30th AprilMargaret Cournane & Michael Murphy
Kiltallagh1st MayEileen Lovett & Mike Carroll
Keel7th MayDavid Flahive & William Evans
Kiltallagh8th MayMiriam Ryan & Colm Lynch
Keel30th AprilFamily Readers
Kiltallagh1st MayEileen Lovett
Keel7th MayFamily Readers
Kiltallagh8th  MayMiriam Ryan
Altar Society
Keel30th AprilJoan Long & Helen Power
Kiltallagh1st MayBreda Murphy
Keel7th MayEileen Murphy & Peggie Kelliher
Kiltallagh8th MayMiriam Ryan
  • Castlemaine Offertory Collection: €545.00  Míle Buíochas
  • Peter Pence Collection: €192.00 Míle Buíochas
  • Trocaire Collection: €100.00 Mile Buíochas
  • Anam Cara Kerry is holding its monthly Parent Evening for bereaved parents on 10th May at 7:15pm in the Meadowlands Hotel, Tralee.  This event is free and open to all bereaved parents  More
  • Kerry Choral Union will host their much-anticipated Spring Concert at St Brendan’s Church, Tralee on Sunday, May 8th at 7.30pm. Tickets €10 & on sale from 5 Haig’s Terrace or also available at the door on the night.
  • The Nano Nagle Bursary Scheme includes 10 bursaries valued at €8,000 each, which are available for students participating on the MA in Christian Leadership in Education programme at MIC. Applications close on 1 June.
  • The Women of Faith Conference 2022 is LIVE on Radio Maria Ireland on Saturday 7th May from 2pm. We are blessed to have the following speakers. Sister Consilio (Cuan Mhuire), Wendy Grace (Catholic Speaker) Fr. Freddy Warner, SMA, Sister Susan Evangelist (Sister of Mercy) Dr. Edward Sri (Scripture Scholar). Radio Maria Ireland
  • Youth Pilgrimage to Taizé 2022 The diocese is recruiting for pilgrims to travel to Taizé this summer. Between the ages of 18 & 30 years. Traveling on June 26th to July 3rd. Cost of the pilgrimage is €600.  For more information contact Tomás Kenny on 086 3683778 or