Newsletter 26th February

­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­ Castlemaine Parish Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time              26th/27th February 2022

C.S. Lewis wrote, “There is someone I love, even though I don’t approve of what he does. There is someone I accept, though some of his thoughts and actions revolt me. There is someone I forgive, though he hurts the people I love the most. That person is me.”

The Scripture readings for this week shows us how Jesus draws our attention to practical points of Christian living and challenges us to use our words as he used his in his preaching and healing ministry — to heal, to restore, and to bring back life, joy, and hope. The readings also instruct us to share our Christian life, love, and spiritual  health by our words, and to avoid gossiping about and passing  rash, thoughtless, pain-inflicting judgments on others, thus damaging their good reputation and causing them irreparable harm.

In order to distinguish the good tree from the bad tree we need to look at the fruit the tree produces (deeds) and not at its foliage (words). “The treasure of the heart is the same as the root of the tree,” St Bede explains. “A person who has a treasure of patience and of perfect charity in his heart yields excellent fruit; he loves his neighbour and has all the other qualities Jesus teaches; he loves his enemies, does good to him who hates him, blesses him who curses him, prays for him who calumniates him, does not react against him who attacks him or robs him; he gives to those who ask, does not claim what they have stolen from him, wishes not to judge and does not condemn, corrects patiently and affectionately those who err. But the person who has in his heart the treasure of evil does exactly the opposite: he hates his friends, speaks evil of him who loves him and does all the other things condemned by the Lord” (In Lucae Evangelium Expositio, II, 6). In verse 46, Jesus asks us to act in a way consistent with being Christians and not to make any separation between the Faith we profess and the way we live: “What matters is not whether or not we wear a religious habit; it is whether we try to practice the virtues and surrender our will to God and order our lives as His Majesty ordains, and not want to do our will but His” (St. Teresa of Avila, Interior Castle, II, 6).

Moderator : Fr. Danny Broderick (087) 9061255

Parish House: 3 Meanus Heights, Castlemaine

Parish Office:  Tue. & Thur. 9:30am-12:30pm   (087) 2979864



Safeguarding Children: Contact No (087) 6362780

   Please pray for Margaret McHale, Mayo mother of Martin McHale, Knockane                                      Masses & Intentions
Sat. Feb. 26th Keel7:30 p.m.Patrick Sheehan, Lasabee
Sun. Feb. 27thKiltallagh10:00 a.m.Denis Murray, Dublin
Tue. Mar. 1st       Keel10:00 a.m. 
Wed Mar. 2ndKiltallagh   Keel7:30 p.m.   8.30 p.m.  Ash Wednesday
Thur Mar. 3rd  Keel7.30 p.m. 
Fri. Mar. 4thKiltallagh6.00 p.m.First Friday Sheila & Charlie O’Sullivan, Cuss
Sat. Mar. 5th    Keel7:30 p.m.Denis & Nora Foley, Fybough
Sun. Mar. 6th     Kiltallagh10:00 a.m.Enrolment ceremony for Holy Communion children from Ballyfinane N.S.

Priest on Duty: Fr. Kevin Sullivan 087 6277638

Ash Wednesday Mass: Early morning Mass will be at 8am in Milltown Church.

Sanitisers: Many thanks to all the volunteers who have helped sanitise the church after our Masses every week over the last two years. This weekend will be the last week of sanitising the church after Masses. All parishioners are asked to please continue to sanitise their hands on entering the church.

Distribution of Holy Communion: rather than the current seat by seat distribution, we now ask that parishioners que in the aisles and come up one by one and not to stand at the front of the altar please.

The Altar Society rota will cease during the period of Lent and will continue from Easter week onwards.

Heaters: New heaters have been installed in Kiltallagh church and the heaters in Keel church have been serviced.

Diocese of Kerry Ministry of Lay Pastoral Co-Ordinators information evening online on Tuesday 22nd March at 8pm

Anam Cara Kerry: the organisation that supports bereaved parents, is holding it’s monthly Parent Evening for bereaved parents on Tuesday 8th March at 7:20pm in the Meadowlands Hotel, Tralee Co. Kerry. This event is free and open to all bereaved parents regardless of the age your child died, the circumstances of their death, or whether their death was recent or not. We also offer an online support group and you can get further information on this by contacting us in

Recovery Haven Kerry Cancer Support House will run a 6 week Thriving and Surviving course online via Zoom commencing Wednesday March 2nd from 10.30 am to 1 pm. The course is to help support people recovering after cancer treatment. If you are interested please contact Reception on 066 7192122.

Chime will be holding an outreach clinic on Thursday 10th March 2022 2pm – 4pm at the Day Care Centre, Market Street, Killorglin. Our FREE service of support and advice, cleaning and basic maintenance of hearing aids and information on entitlements. Please call Jerry Kelleher before 8th March on 087-3747327. Our consultations are private and confidential.

Fybough NS is now accepting applications for enrolment for September 2022. Please contact the school for Enrolment Form at or 066-9766301

Pope Francis’s Invitation & Our Response Pope Francis has invited every member of the Church throughout the world to share their experiences, insights and hopes for the Church. Every diocese has been asked to give opportunities for reflection, discussion and feedback in preparation for the Synod of Bishops in 2023. Here in the Diocese of Kerry there is the opportunity to share your thoughts on-line or to participate in person in the next 2 months. For details see:

Concerned about the ecological crisis? Be part of a faith community response to Pope Francis’ call to care for Our Common Home.  To learn more and register for an Online Book Club go to

Eucharistic Ministers
Keel                 Feb. 26th        Margaret Cournane & Michael Murphy Kiltallagh      Feb. 27th        Jack Keating & Bernie Nagle Keel                 Mar. 5th              Marie Prendergast & David Flahive Kiltallagh      Mar. 6th              Fergus Culloty & Catherine O’Connor
Keel                 Feb. 26th          Keith McGuigan Kiltallagh      Feb. 27th          Noreen Breen Keel                 Mar. 5th           Marie O’Brien Kiltallagh      Mar. 6th               Aisling O’Neill
Altar Society
Keel                 Feb. 26th        Mary Foley Kiltallagh      Feb. 27th          Caroline Lynch
Keel                 Feb. 26th        Joan O’Connor & Eileen Murphy Kiltallagh      Feb. 27th        Catherine O’Connor & Breda Murphy

Candle of Atonement Prayer

Lord, forgive us our many sins.

We grieve and repent with

all our hearts for having

offended you, for our great

failings and neglect of the

young and vulnerable.

We place all of those who

Have been hurt by

the Church in any way

into your loving hands and

under the protection of

Our Blessed Mother

Lord bring peace to their

broken lives and show us all

the way out of darkness and

into the light of your Word.

May we as the people of

God be more fully human,

More fully Christ-like and

More fully your people,

that we may see the errors

of the past and go forward

with renewed hope and faith

in Christ and in our Church.
