Newsletter 19th February

­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­ Castlemaine Parish Seventh Sunday Ordinary Time              19th/20th February 2022

Two presidents and a truck driver:

When President Gerald Ford granted former President Richard Nixon “a free, full and absolute pardon” for his participation and perjury in the “Watergate” scandal, many considered Ford’s decision to be an act of weakness. In 1977, when President Jimmy Carter offered amnesty to those who, during the Vietnamese War, had avoided being conscripted, he was criticized for not enforcing the law. Both men, one a Republican, the other a Democrat, “took the heat”, as it were, because neither was motivated by partisan politics or the pressure of public opinion. Each had chosen to go beyond the limits of strict justice in order to exercise a mercy that was dictated, not by law, but by a conscience formed on Gospel principles. During the race riots in Los Angeles, in the aftermath of the Rodney King incident, a truck driver named Reginald Denny was pulled from his vehicle and severely beaten with a brick. When the case went to trial in 1993, Denny stunned the courtroom with his offer of forgiveness to those who had almost killed him. Later Denny said that only by forgiving the perpetrators of the crime against him had he been able to put the event behind him and move on.

This week’s Gospel written by Luke, gives us Jesus’ revolutionary moral teaching about correct choices in our human relationships, placing special emphasis on the Golden Rule, “Do to others as you would have them do to you.” This Golden Rule, is amplified by a string of particular commands: “Love your enemies…Do good to those who hate you; bless those who curse you and pray for those who maltreat you.” For Jesus, love is a fundamental attitude that seeks another’s good. Jesus orders us to love our enemies and to be merciful as God our Father is merciful. Jesus challenges us to do for others what God does for us. “Be compassionate, as your Father is compassionate.” He concludes by instructing us to stop judging and start forgiving.

Moderator : Fr. Danny Broderick (087) 9061255

Parish House: 3 Meanus Heights, Castlemaine

Parish Office:  Tue. & Thur. 9:30am-12:30pm   (087) 2979864



Safeguarding Children: Contact No (087) 6362780

   Please pray for Betty Corcoran, nee Molyneaux, Boolteens East                     Masses & Intentions
Sat. Feb. 19th Keel7:30 p.m.Eileen Kelliher, Shanahill West
Sun. Feb. 20thKiltallagh10:00 a.m. 
Tue. Feb.22nd      Keel10:00 a.m. 
Thur.Feb.24th Keel7:30 p.m. 
Sat. Feb. 26th    Keel7:30 p.m.Patrick Sheehan, Lasabee
Sun. Feb.27th     Kiltallagh10:00 a.m.Denis Murray, Dublin

Priest on Duty: Fr. Kieran O’Sullivan 087 2432155

Ardfert Retreat Centre: As a result of Covid-19 it was not possible to run any retreat or residential programmes in the Ardfert Retreat Centre.  In August 2020 and following a request from Talbot Grove (now The Grove), Castleisland, a lease was entered into with them for the use of Ardfert Retreat Centre for an initial term of one year. The Grove has now approached the Diocese about acquiring Ardfert Retreat Centre.  Following negotiations, the Diocese wishes to advise that it is proposed to sell the Ardfert Retreat Centre to the Grove.  The Diocese has had a long association with Talbot Grove and their mission is compatible with the spirit of the Gospel. After many years great service, Sr. Elizabeth has retired as director of Ardfert Retreat Centre, and we wish to thank her and indeed her predecessors for their work in the Centre. We also wish to thank the various members of staff, volunteers and the contact people for their work and dedication down the years. Lastly, we thank the people of the Diocese and especially the people of Ardfert for their support of Ardfert Retreat Centre since it opened its doors in 1981. We would ask you to join with us in wishing all in The Grove every success as a new chapter opens in the life of Ardfert Retreat Centre.

Diocese of Kerry, February 2022

Fybough NS is now accepting applications for enrolment for September 2022. Please contact the school for Enrolment Form at or 066-9766301

Kerry Branch of Smaritans would like to thank the parishioners for their continued support of their Christmas Collection at Keel Church.  € 443.66 was collected.

MS South Kerry are having their AGM Zoom meeting on Saturday 26th February @ 12pm.  Please contact Joan 087 7609890 or Sheila 087 9789771.

Lenten Workshop for Parish Music Ministers  The Diocese will host an online Lenten workshop for parish choirs, musicians, cantors and music directors on Tuesday, February 22nd at 7:30pm.  The workshop will provide an opportunity to learn new music.  The presenters for the workshop will be Ailish Walsh, Tomás Kenny and Derek Mahady.  Tomás and Ailish are members of the Diocesan Liturgy Committee, Derek Mahady directed the music programme for the World Meeting of Families in 2018 and is delighted to be joining us for the workshop.  Email

Pope Francis’s Invitation & Our Response Pope Francis has invited every member of the Church throughout the world to share their experiences, insights and hopes for the Church. Every diocese has been asked to give opportunities for reflection, discussion and feedback in preparation for the Synod of Bishops in 2023. Here in the Diocese of Kerry there is the opportunity to share your thoughts on-line or to participate in person in the next 2 months. For details see:

Concerned about the ecological crisis? Be part of a faith community response to Pope Francis’ call to care for Our Common Home.  To learn more and register for an Online Book Club go to

Trips to Medjugore 2022: contact Tom Dennehy 087 6468658 Cost €775 approx.

  • 25th May ex Cork to Mostar
  • 22nd June ex Cork to Dubrovnik (Fr Danny Broderick will be the Spiritual Director on this trip)
  • 14th June ex Shannon to Mostar
Eucharistic Ministers
Keel                 Feb. 19th        Margaret Cournane & Michael Murphy Kiltallagh      Feb. 20th        Jack Keating & Bernie Nagle Keel                 Feb. 26th             Marie Prendergast & David Flahive Kiltallagh      Feb. 27th            Fergus Culloty & Catherine O’Connor
Keel                 Feb. 19th        Caroline McCarthy & Kathleen O’Brien Kiltallagh      Feb. 20th        Eileen Keating & Bernie Nagle Keel                 Feb. 26th        Joan O’Connor & Eileen Murphy Kiltallagh      Feb. 27th             Catherine O’Connor & Breda Murphy
Keel                 Feb. 19th          Family Readers Kiltallagh      Feb. 20th         Mike Carroll Keel                 Feb. 26th         Keith McGuigan Kiltallagh      Feb. 27th             Noreen Breen
Altar Society
Keel                 Feb. 19th        Eileen Delaney Kiltallagh      Feb. 20th         Marie Culloty   Keel                 Feb. 26th        Mary Foley Kiltallagh      Feb. 27th         Caroline Lynch

Prayer for healing

God of justice, In your wisdom you create all people in your image, without exception.

Through your goodness, open our eyes to see the dignity, beauty, and worth of every human being.

Open our minds to understand that all your children are brothers and sisters in the same human family.

Open our hearts to repent of racist attitudes, behaviours, and speech which demean others.

Open our ears to hear the cries of those wounded by racial discrimination, and their passionate appeals for change.

Strengthen our resolve to make amends for past injustices and to right the wrongs of history.

And fill us with courage that we might seek to heal wounds, build bridges, forgive and be forgiven, and establish peace and equality for all in our communities.

We make this prayer through Jesus Christ, Our Lord. Amen