Castlemaine Parish Second Sunday in Ordinary Time 15th/16th January 2022 |
This week we are at a wedding in Cana where Jesus reveals Divine power by transforming water into wine. The Bible begins with one wedding, that of Adam and Eve in the garden (Gn 2:23-24), and ends with another, the marriage supper of the Lamb (Rv 19:9, 21:9, 22:17). At Cana, Jesus also blesses human marriage, perhaps at that moment instituting the Sacrament of Matrimony.
Throughout the Bible, marriage is the symbol of the Covenant relationship between God and His chosen people. God is the faithful Bridegroom and humanity is His beloved bride. Let us pray for God’s daily. Miracles in our families. “Make sure you invite Jesus and Mary!”
Johnny Carson (who hosted the Tonight Show for 30 years), was interviewing an eight-year-old boy one night. The young man was asked to appear on the Late Show because he had rescued two friends from a coal mine outside his hometown in West Virginia. As Johnny questioned him, it became apparent that the boy was a Christian. Johnny asked him if he attended Sunday School.
When the boy said he did, Johnny inquired, “What are you learning in Sunday School?” “Last week,” the boy replied, “our lesson was about how Jesus went to a wedding and turned water into wine.” The audience burst into laughter and applause. Keeping a straight face, Johnny asked, “And what did you learn from that story?”
The boy squirmed in his chair. It was apparent he hadn’t thought about this. But then he lifted up his face and said, “If you’re going to have a wedding, make sure you invite Jesus and Mary!”
And that is precisely the message of this weekend’s Gospel: make sure you invite Jesus and Mary wherever you live and wherever you go – they are the only ones you’ll ever need.
In other words, our Gospel lesson is about the sufficiency of Jesus in our lives and the power of Jesus’ Mother’s intercession.
Moderator : Fr. Danny Broderick (087) 9061255
Parish House: 3 Meanus Heights, Castlemaine
Parish Office: Tue. & Thur. 9:30am-12:30pm (087) 2979864
Safeguarding Children: Contact No (087) 6362780
Please pray for Dessie Kane, Tullamore – brother of the late George Kane
Masses & Intentions | ||||
Sat. Jan. 15th | Keel | 7:30 p.m. | John O’Donoghue, Castlemaine Village | |
Sun. Jan. 16th | Kiltallagh | 10:00 a.m. | ||
Tue. Jan. 18th | Keel | 10:00 a.m. | ||
Thur. Jan.20th | Keel | 7:30 p.m. | ||
Sat. Jan. 22nd | Keel | 7:30 p.m. | Dan Prendergast, Boolteens West | |
Sun. Jan. 23rd | Kiltallagh | 10:00 a.m. | ||
If you wish to book an Anniversary Mass for a loved one,
the 2022 diary is now open.
Please contact the Parish Office by phone, during opening times on Tuesday or Thursday mornings.
Priest on Duty: Fr. Danny Broderick 087 9061255
Diocesan Mission 2022: The diocese will hold a Mission from Jan 16th – 19th. Each day, you are invited to join in the Mission talk, Prayer, Mass, Reflection, Prayer Petition and Family Time. Speakers include Oisín McConville, Kate Liffey, Fr Sean McDonagh and Miriam Kerins Hussey. Register for the upcoming Mission, Moving Forward in Hope, on
Alhomecare: Affordable Live-in Homecare: provides live-in carers for the elderly in your area. If you are looking for a live in carer for your relative, please call Eileen or Tom today on 087 9916791 or 087 7440729. Visit the website
ALONE: manage a national support line and additional support for older people who have concerns or are facing difficulties relating to COVID-19 (Coronavirus). If you or someone you know needs support please call our National Support and Referral Line on 0818 222 024 from 8am – 8pm, seven days a week. ALONE operates 365 days a year so we will be there to take your call when you need us most.
Parish Office: available for sale are Mass cards, Get Well, Sympathy & a variety of Trocaire cards for all occasions. Also Christening and Wedding candles available to order.
Eucharistic Ministers |
Keel Jan. 15th Margaret Cournane & Michael Murphy Kiltallagh Jan. 16th Miriam Ryan & Colm Lynch Keel Jan. 22nd Marie Prendergast & David Flahive Kiltallagh Jan. 23rd Jack Keating & Bernie Nagle |
Sanitisers |
Keel Jan. 15th Deirdre O’Shea & Eileen Prendiville Kiltallagh Jan. 16th Lorraine Griffin & Claire O’Connor Keel Jan. 22nd Caroline McCarthy & Kathleen O’Brien Kiltallagh Jan. 23rd Bernie Nagle & Eileen Keating |
Readers |
Keel Jan. 15th Cathy O’Donoghue Kiltallagh Jan. 16th Claire O’Connor Keel Jan. 22nd Family readers Kiltallagh Jan. 23rd Maurice Daly |
Altar Society |
Keel Jan. 15th Eileen Murphy Kiltallagh Jan. 16th Josephine O’Connor Keel Jan. 22nd Marie O’Brien Kiltallagh Jan. 23rd Catherine O’Connor |