Newsletter 16th October

Castlemaine Parish 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time 16th/17th October 2021

A Pastoral Message

The Synod of Bishops in Rome in Autumn 2023

and a ‘Synodal Pathway’ of five years in the Irish Church.

A synodal Church, in announcing the Gospel, “journeys together.”

  • How is this “journeying together” happening today in your local Church?
  • What steps does the Spirit invite us to take in order to grow in our “journeying together”?

My Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Pope Francis extends a world-wide invitation to the whole Church to consider how we might walk together and work together as God’s people in greater synodality. What does he mean by this word synodality? It comes from the Greek language and means “journeying together”. Journeying together involves good communication: listening and really hearing what the other is saying, and thus proceeding in harmony, appreciating the insights and experiences of each other.

To prepare for the Autumn 2023 Synod of Bishops in Rome, Pope Francis asks the Church worldwide to reflect on how she can be ‘synodal’ at every level from your local parish to the Pope in Rome. What are our strengths and weaknesses? What can we do to improve?

He asks that over the next four months, as an initial task, there is a good conversation – deep listening in every parish in every diocese. Listen and hear what each other is saying; listen and hear what the Holy Spirit is saying to us; listen to Jesus in the Gospels. Together we seek to discern how we should proceed, not simply striking off on our own paths, but hearing where the Holy Spirit is calling us. He asks that this leads to the compilation of a Report at National level. To help us, the organisers of the Synod of Bishops in Rome have proposed key topics and questions. Some of the synod questions concern vital matters that we rarely discuss.

For many years in our own diocese we have worked hard at consultation and listening. Witness the past two years when there was wide consultation on planning for the years ahead. Witness all our Pastoral, Liturgy and Financial Councils, at Parish, Area and Diocesan level; and the work of the diocesan Pastoral Team; meetings with parish secretaries and sacristans. Despite that work, there are so many of all ages in our diocese who have never been involved, never felt invited and sometimes felt ignored. Some age groups have barely been represented. Can we widen the circle? Can we deepen our consultation and dialogue? Can we continue to listen and speak until we sense together where the Holy Spirit is leading us?

+ Ray Browne,

Bishop of Kerry

Moderator : Fr. Danny Broderick (087) 9061255 Parish House: 3 Meanus Heights, Castlemaine Parish Office:  Tue. & Thur. 9:30am-12:30pm   (087) 2979864 Email: Website: Safeguarding Children: Contact No (087) 6362780           Masses & Intentions   Sat. Oct. 16th                    Keel 7.30 p.m. Bridie O’Sullivan, Castledrum   Sun. Oct. 17th     Kiltallagh 10:00 a.m. James Burke, Rathpooke & Ballygamboon – Months Mind     Tues. Oct. 19th         Keel     10:00 a.m.     Thurs. Oct. 21st                          Keel   7:30 p.m.     Sat. Oct. 23rd                   Keel   7:30 p.m.   Alice Clifford, Gorthaleen     Sun. Oct. 24th                     Kiltallagh   10:00 a.m. Jerry & Sheila McMahon, Ballyfinane       Reminder Masses will be streamed live online vis our webcam system:         Priest on Duty: Fr. Fergal Ryan 087 2408540           Mass at Poll an Aifrinn: The Mass Rock, Keelacloghane Wood, Milltown will take place on 24th October at 3pm. Where the former Prior of Holy Cross Dominican Church in Tralee. Fr. Thaddeus Moriarty OP was arrested before his martyrdom in October 1653.   Second Collection: next weekend 23rd/24th October will be for Propagation of the Faith.   Diocese of Kerry Mission Month Online Event: We cannot Remain Silent “We cannot speak about what we have seen and heard”. Join Missionaries as they share their experience of working in Sudan and South Sudan. October 21st at 8pm. Register online at For further information email   Lectio Divina: Drink from your own well (St Bernard of Clairvaux). An introduction to the reading, reflection and prayer of the Gospels for anyone who seeks a way towards hope, wisdom and faith in day to day life. Presented by Fr Seamus O’ Connell  on Learning to pray the scriptures from your life. 3 Sessions: Mondays 18 Oct  &  1st Nov 7.30pm – 9pm (zoom) and Saturday 13 Nov. Tralee and Zoom email Please put ‘ Lectio Divina’ in Subject line.  Phone 087 6873208. A joint initiative of the Centre for Ministry and Mission, St Brendan’s Lectio Divina Group and Tralee APC.   Healthy Planet, Healthy People Petition: We have an opportunity like no other. At the UN Biodiversity Conference (COP15) in October, world leaders can set meaningful targets to protect creation. In November, at the 26th UN Climate Change Conference (COP26), countries will announce their plans to meet the goals of the Paris agreement. Ahead of those meetings, it is our responsibility as Catholics to lift up the voices of the most vulnerable and advocate on their behalf. now.   Maine Valley Family Centre Castlemaine will run a 10 week Rainbows Programme in Oct/Nov 2021. Rainbows offer a listening and support programme for children who have had a loss through a Bereavement and a programme for loss through Parental Separation. Suitable for ages 7-12 years and this service is free. For further information FRC on 087 3694169 or 066 9767833 Ext 2    SHEP – Introduction to Personal Development – Introduction to Personal Development is a 20 hour course for adults run over 8 weeks offered by Maine Valley FRC. The course is open to people from all walks of life. No prior qualifications are needed, just a willingness to be personally involved and to interact with others. Ring Maine Valley FRC – 086-0580019 or Landline 066-9767833 Ext 2   Marriage Enrichment Weekend 5th – 7th November 2021 Restore Communication, Renew Commitment and Rekindle Romance. This is an online experience (using Zoom), starting on Friday at 8pm and ending on Sunday at 2:30pm. Details  
  Eucharistic Ministers
Keel                 Oct. 16th        John Carmody & Mary Ita Ladden Kiltallagh      Oct.17th             Eileen Lovett & Mike Carroll Keel                 Oct. 23rd       Eilzabeth Ryle O’Connor & Patrick Flynn Kiltallagh      Oct. 24th       Miriam Ryan & Colm Lynch
Keel                 Oct. 16th        Margaret Cournane & Joan Sheeha Kiltallagh      Oct. 17th         Hannelore Harris & Eileen Lovett Keel                 Oct. 23rd        Deirdre O’Shea & Eileen Prendiville Kiltallagh      Oct. 24th         Lorraine Griffin & Claire O’Connor

Castlemaine Parish Office is open two mornings every week at our new Parish House, 3 Meanus Heights, Castlemaine.

Tuesday              9.30am to 12.30pm

Thursday           9.30am to 12.30pm

Contact No.:      087 2979864

Responsibility of Priests

Fr. Danny Broderick Moderator of the Parish

Contact through the Parish Office for Mass intentions, baptisms, weddings, house Masses, blessings of homes etc.

Communion Calls are on second Friday of every month. If you would like to have others included, please contact the Parish Office. Rev. Conor Bradley also does Communion Calls.

Pastoral care of schools:

  • Castlemaine National School:             Fr. Fergal Ryan
  • Ballyfinane National School:               Fr. Kieran O’Sullivan
  • Fybough National School:          Fr. Kevin Sullivan
  • Castledrum National School:              Fr. Danny Broderick

Parish Finances is looked after by Fr. Kevin Sullivan. The counting of Sunday collections is undertaken by the Parish Finance Council.

Parish Masses are Saturday at 7.30pm in Keel Church and Sunday at 10am in Kiltallagh Church.

Tuesday Mass is at 10am in Keel and Thursdays at 7.30pm in Keel.

Frist Friday Masses are at 6pm in Kiltallagh unless otherwise requested.             All Priests are on a rota for these Masses.

Any Priest can be contacted for any occasion.

  • Fr. Kieran O’Sullivan         087 2432155
  • Fr. Fergal Ryan          087 2408540
  • Fr. Danny Broderick 087 9061255
  • Fr. Kevin Sullivan               087 6277638

Signed Mass cards are available at the office.

Deacons Rev. Conor Bradley and Rev. Pat Coffey Killorglin are both available to minister in the parish. Even though the parish does not have a resident Priest like the 10 other Parishes in the Diocese, we will do our best to take care of your pastoral needs.

                                                                                      Fr. Danny Broderick

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