Newsletter 25th July

Castlemaine Parish  17th Sunday of Ordinary Time 24th/25th July 2021

A bag of rice to share

        From her personal experience, Mother Teresa relates a story demonstrating the generosity of the poor, rising from their personal experience of hunger and poverty, as contrasting with the rich who have had no such experience to teach them.   Learning of a poor Hindu family in Calcutta who had been starving for many days, Mother Theresa visited them and brought a big parcel of rice to the mother.  She was surprised to see how the mother divided the rice into two equal portions and went out with one bundle to give it to her Muslim neighbour.  When she returned, Mother Theresa asked her why she had done such a generous deed.  The woman replied: “My family can manage with half the rice in this bag.  My neighbour’s family has several children, and they are also starving.”   Today’s Gospel tells the story of a small boy who showed this same kind of generosity.  By sharing his small lunch (which consisted of five barley loaves and two dried fish), he became the instrument in Jesus’ working of a miracle that fed thousands.

As Christians we need to commit ourselves to share and to work with God in communicating His compassion to all as the early Christians did. God always blesses those who share their blessings, time, and talents with loving commitment. We can begin our own humble efforts at “sharing” right in our parish by participating in the works of charity done by organizations like St. Vincent DePaul Society, the Knights of Columbus etc. Once physical hungers are satisfied, then we are challenged to satisfy the deeper hungers, for love, mercy, forgiveness, companionship, peace, and fulfilment.


A new pilot project is being run by Family Carers Ireland in Cork & Kerry:  The project which is in partnership with the HSE, & with funding from ReThink Ireland, is running from January – December 2021.

The Family Carer Support Projects aim, is to enhance the wellbeing of Family Carers of older people in Cork & Kerry, by offering the opportunity to work with the Carer Wellbeing Manager, Lynne Dennehy.  Lynne will work with the Family Carer to find out what their needs are, and to develop an action plan to support the Family Carer to meet them.  No question or problem is too big or too small. Contact or 086 0759063 or visit the projects website

Campa Mhuire:  Free online Catholic Faith Camp for Children aged 5-12.  The four day Summer Camp running from July 27th -30th, Tuesday to Friday, will include Music & Action Songs, Arts & Crafts, into the Deep Bible Stories, Games, Drama, Live streamed daily Mass and more! No need to register, check out for more information, brought to you in association with Holy Family Mission and the Diocese of Waterford & Lismore

Recovery Haven Kerry: will run a free Webinar for professionals supporting people dealing with cancer, on Friday July the 30th at 11am. This will be facilitated by Edel Lawlor. Please contact reception on 066 7192122.

Get a Vaccine, Give a Vaccine: If you have been vaccinated against COVID-19, you can give a vaccine to someone in need by supporting UNICEF in the biggest vaccine procurement and distribution in history. Nobody is safe until everyone is safe and no child is safe until everyone they rely on, is safe. Visit or call 01 8783000.

The Sacrament of Reconciliation: Parish Confessions are available every Saturday at St James’ Church, Killorglin from 12 noon to 12.30pm. The Priest will be seated in the sanctuary of the church. Confessions will not be heard in the confessional boxes for the foreseeable future. The Priest will be wearing a mask and the person coming for confession will be expected to do likewise. Welcome one and all.

Fr. Danny Broderick (087) 9061255 Parish Residence: 18 Ballyoughtragh Heights, Milltown Parish Office:  Wed. & Fri. 9:30-12:30   066-9767312 Email: Website: Safeguarding Children: Contact No (087) 6362780     Baptisms: Welcome into our Christian community Cody James Carroll, Caherfilane Mia Grace Flaherty, Shanahill  
  Masses & Intentions
  Sat.  July 24th              Keel7.30 p.m. 
  Sun. July 25th    Kiltallagh    10:00 a.m. 
  Tue. July 27th                Keel  10:00 a.m. 
  Thurs July 29th            Keel  7.30 p.m.   
  Sat. July 31st            Keel  7:30 p.m.Dan & Nora Ashe, Ballyarkane
     Sun. Aug. 1st                 Kiltallagh  10:00 a.m.Deborah & Sheila Horan, Gransha Lower & deceased family members


Masses will be streamed live online vis our webcam system:

  • Log into
  • Scroll down to the bottom of page to where it says Live Streams
  • Click St. Gobnait’s, Keel for Mass in Keel
  • Click on arrow to play
  • Click St. Cathage’s for Mass in Kiltallagh
  • Click on arrow to play
Eucharistic Ministers
Keel                 July 24th       Margaret Cournane & Michael Murphy Kiltallagh        June 25th         Eileen Lovett & Colm Lynch Keel                 July 31st        Marie Prendergast & David Flahive Kiltallagh        Aug. 1st         Miriam Ryan & Catherine O’Connor
Keel                 July 24th       Donal Ashe & Tommy Griffin Kiltallagh        July 25th       Eileen Lovett & Michael Harris Keel                 July 31st        Ger Ladden & Mary Kennedy Kiltallagh        Aug. 1st         Maurice Daly & John Quirke
Keel                 July 24th       Kathleen O’Brien & Caroline McCarthy Kiltallagh        July 25th       Hannelore Harris & Aileen Griffin Keel                 July 31st        Joan O’Connor & Eileen Murphy Kiltallagh        Aug. 1st         Breda Murphy & Catherine O’Connor

First ‘World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly’, Sunday 25 July

Pope Francis has established a World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly, which will take place for the first time on the theme ‘I am with you always’ (Mt 28:20).

Pope Francis choose this Sunday in July, as the Sunday nearest to the Feast Day of   St. Joachim and Anne, the parents of Our Lady.

A Grandparent’s Prayer

I thank You, Lord, for the comfort of Your presence:

even in times of loneliness,

You are my hope and my confidence,

You have been my rock and my fortress since my youth!

I thank You for having given me a family and for having blessed me with a long life.

I thank You for moments of joy and difficulty,

for the dreams that have already come true in my life

and for those that are still ahead of me.

I thank You for this time of renewed fruitfulness to which You call me.

Increase, O Lord, my faith, make me a channel of your peace,

teach me to embrace those who suffer more than me,

to never stop dreaming and to tell of your wonders to new generations.

Protect and guide Pope Francis and the Church,

that the light of the Gospel might reach the ends of the earth.

Send Your Spirit, O Lord, to renew the world,

that the storm of the pandemic might be calmed,

the poor consoled and wars ended.

Sustain me in weakness and

help me to live life to the full in each moment that You give me,

in the certainty that you are with me every day,

even until the end of the age.    

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