Newsletter 18th July

Castlemaine Parish  16th Sunday of Ordinary Time 17th/18th July 2021

Expectant waiting for dear ones:

A story from the life of Mother Teresa shows her love for lonely and unwanted people, the “sheep without a shepherd,” who, while materially well-off, are sometimes “the poorest of the poor.” On one occasion, she visited a well-run nursing home where good food, medical care and other facilities were offered to the elderly. As she moved among the old people, she noticed that none of them smiled unless she touched them and smiled at them first. She also noticed that many of them kept glancing expectantly towards the door while listening to her. When she asked one of the nurses why this was so, she was told: “They are looking for a visit from someone related to them. But, except for an occasional visit, birthday gift or a get-well card, this never happens.” Jesus invites us, in today’s Gospel, to show concern, mercy and compassion for such sheep without a shepherd.

The Christian life is a continuous passage from the presence of God to the presence of people and back to God again. Prayer is essentially listening to God and talking to Him. One of our main problems is that we do not truly allow God the opportunity to speak to us. We also do not know how to “be still and listen.” Hence, we are often in danger of refusing to allow God to recharge us with spiritual energy and strength. In addition, we do not set aside enough time for God to speak to us and for us to speak to Him. How can we shoulder life’s burdens if we have no contact with the Lord of Life? How can we do God’s work unless we rely on God’s strength? And how can we receive that strength unless we pray to Him individually, in the family, and as a parish community in the Church, and receive His grace by participating in the Holy Mass and through the reception of the Sacraments? However, we must never seek God’s fellowship in order to avoid the fellowship of men but always in order to prepare for it. From our reflection on today’s Gospel, let us remind ourselves that the Christian life consists of meeting with God in the secret place so that we may serve people more effectively in the market place.

Parish Office: will be closed this Wednesday 21st July but will be open on Friday 23rd July.

Campa Mhuire:  Free online Catholic Faith Camp for Children aged 5-12.  The four day Summer Camp running from July 27th -30th, Tuesday to Friday, will include Music & Action Songs, Arts & Crafts, into the Deep Bible Stories, Games, Drama, Live streamed daily Mass and more! No need to register, check out for more information, brought to you in association with Holy Family Mission and the Diocese of Waterford & Lismore

Traditional Latin Mass: will be offered on Sunday 25th July 2021 at 12.30pm at the Church of the Immaculate Conception, Rathass, Tralee, V92 DX62, by Fr. Martin Hegarty. More info from

Recovery Haven Kerry  Cancer Support House:  will have six weeks Awareness through Movement classes at Recovery Haven, in their outdoor marquee. Beginning on Wednesday, July 21st @ 11am. To book your place, phone 066 7192122.

Radio Maria: is an Irish Catholic Radio Station that has grown in strength and popularity in recent years. It broadcasts Mass, Rosary, Divine Mercy Hour etc; daily. It has many interesting programs. Many people tune in to pray with them. The easiest way to tune in is via the television, Saorview channel 210, (if you go backwards one channel from RTE1 you will get Radio Maria). There is also a mobile App. All details on

Get a Vaccine, Give a Vaccine: If you have been vaccinated against COVID-19, you can give a vaccine to someone in need by supporting UNICEF in the biggest vaccine procurement and distribution in history. Nobody is safe until everyone is safe and no child is safe until everyone they rely on, is safe. Visit or call 01 8783000.

The Sacrament of Reconciliation: Parish Confessions are available every Saturday at St James’ Church, Killorglin from 12 noon to 12.30pm. The Priest will be seated in the sanctuary of the church. Confessions will not be heard in the confessional boxes for the foreseeable future. The Priest will be wearing a mask and the person coming for confession will be expected to do likewise. Welcome one and all.


Fr. Danny Broderick (087) 9061255 Parish Residence: 18 Ballyoughtragh Heights, Milltown Parish Office:  Wed. & Fri. 9:30-12:30   066-9767312 Email: Website: Safeguarding Children: Contact No (087) 6362780 
    Masses & Intentions 
  Sat.  July 17th             Keel7.30 p.m.  
  Sun. July 18th    Kiltallagh    10:00 a.m.Sr. Sheila Geaney & Geaney Family, Knockane 
  Tue. July 20th                Keel  10:00 a.m.  
  Thurs July 22nd          Keel  7.30 p.m.  Deceased family members of the Corcoran family, Ardcanaught 
  Sat. July 24th           Keel  7:30 p.m.  
     Sun. July 25th                Kiltallagh  10:00 a.m.  


Masses will be streamed live online vis our webcam system:

  • Log into
  • Scroll down to the bottom of page to where it says Live Streams
  • Click St. Gobnait’s, Keel for Mass in Keel
  • Click on arrow to play
  • Click St. Cathage’s for Mass in Kiltallagh
  • Click on arrow to play
Eucharistic Ministers
Keel                 July 17th       David Flahive & William Evans Kiltallagh        June 18th        Fergus Culloty & Mike Carroll Keel                 July 24th       Margaret Cournane & Michael Murphy Kiltallagh        July 25th       Eileen Lovett & Colm Lynch
Keel                 July 17th      Noranne Kavanagh & PJ Ryan Kiltallagh        July 18th      Lorraine Griffin & Claire O’Connor Keel                 July 24th       Donal Ashe & Tommy Griffin Kiltallagh        July 25th       Eileen Lovett & Michael Harris
Keel                 July 17th       Margaret Cournane & Joan Sheehan Kiltallagh        July 18th       Claire O’Connor & Lorraine Griffin Keel                 July 24th       Kathleen O’Brien & Caroline McCarthy Kiltallagh        July 25th       Hannelore Harris & Aileen Griffin

You cannot get through

a single day without

impacting the world around you

What you do

makes a difference


you have to decide

What kind of difference

you want to make

Priest on duty this weekend:

Fr. Kieran O’Sullivan 087 2432155

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