Newsletter 11th July

Castlemaine Parish  15th Sunday of Ordinary Time 10th/11th July 2021

“Bring your daughter to me in three weeks”

There is a story about a troubled mother who had a daughter who was addicted to sweets. One day she approached Gandhi, explained the problem to him and asked whether he might talk to the young girl. Gandhi replied: “Bring your daughter to me in three weeks’ time and I will speak to her.” After three weeks, the mother brought her daughter to him. He took the young girl aside and spoke to her about the harmful effects of eating sweets excessively and urged her to abandon her bad habit. The mother thanked Gandhi for this advice and then asked him: “But why didn’t you speak to her three weeks ago?” Gandhi replied: “Because three weeks ago, I was still addicted to sweets.” And there’s the lesson: We must do more than just point out the right road to others, we must be on that road ourselves. For this reason, the integrity of our private lives and private morals, down to the smallest detail, is the real power behind our words.

Today’s readings remind us of our Divine adoption as God’s children and of our call to preach the Good News of Jesus by bearing witness to God’s love, mercy, and salvation, as revealed through Jesus: “God chose us in Christ before the foundation of the world.” (Ephesians 1:4).

We, too, have a witnessing mission: Each Christian is called not only to be a disciple but also to be an apostle. As disciples, we are to follow and imitate Jesus. As apostles, we are to evangelize the world. We are called to share with others not just words, or ideas, or doctrines but an experience, — our experience of God and His Son, Jesus.

Like the apostles, like St. Francis of Assisi, like St. Teresa of Calcutta (Mother Teresa), we are all chosen and sent to proclaim the Gospel through our living.

It is through our transparent Christian lives that we must show, through our own actions, the love, mercy and concern of Jesus for the people around us. Since we are baptized, Jesus is calling us in our working and living environment to evangelize, to invite people to know, love, serve, and follow Jesus for the rest of our lives. An important part of evangelism is the simple act of inviting a friend or family member to join us in worship. This is where reconciliation between persons and God is most likely to take place. We do not have to commit verbal assault on someone with our convictions. A simple invitation, offered out of a loving and joyful heart, is the most powerful evangelistic message of all.


Radio Maria: is an Irish Catholic Radio Station that has grown in strength and popularity in recent years. It broadcasts Mass, Rosary, Divine Mercy Hour etc; daily. It has many interesting programs. Many people tune in to pray with them. The easiest way to tune in is via the television, Saorview channel 210, (if you go backwards one channel from RTE1 you will get Radio Maria). There is also a mobile App. All details on

Get a Vaccine, Give a Vaccine: If you have been vaccinated against COVID-19, you can give a vaccine to someone in need by supporting UNICEF in the biggest vaccine procurement and distribution in history. Nobody is safe until everyone is safe and no child is safe until everyone they rely on, is safe. Visit or call 01 8783000.

The Sacrament of Reconciliation: Parish Confessions are available every Saturday at St James’ Church, Killorglin from 12 noon to 12.30pm. The Priest will be seated in the sanctuary of the church. Confessions will not be heard in the confessional boxes for the foreseeable future. The Priest will be wearing a mask and the person coming for confession will be expected to do likewise. Welcome one and all.

Fr. Danny Broderick (087) 9061255 Parish Residence: 18 Ballyoughtragh Heights, Milltown Parish Office:  Wed. & Fri. 9:30-12:30   066-9767312 Email: Website: Safeguarding Children: Contact No (087) 6362780
  Baptism: Welcome into our Christian community Ollie Thomas Daly, Cloonearagh, Keel   Please pray for Derry Jeremiah Murphy, Boolteens who died recently     Masses & Intentions
  Sat.  July 10th              Keel7.30 p.m.  Catherine Baldock, Shanahill West Months Mind
  Sun. July 11th    Kiltallagh    10:00 a.m.Tomas O’Dowd, Brackhill
  Tue. July 13th                Keel  10:00 a.m. 
Wed. July 14th          Kiltallagh8.00 p.m.Diarmuid O’Connor, Gransha Upper
  Thurs July 15th             Keel  7.30 p.m.   
  Sat. July 17th           Keel  7:30 p.m. 
     Sun. July 18th                 Kiltallagh  10:00 a.m.Sr. Sheila Geaney & Geaney Family, Knockane


Masses will be streamed live online vis our webcam system:

  • Log into
  • Scroll down to the bottom of page to where it says Live Streams
  • Click St. Gobnait’s, Keel for Mass in Keel
  • Click on arrow to play
  • Click St. Cathage’s for Mass in Kiltallagh
  • Click on arrow to play
Eucharistic Ministers
Keel                 July 10th       Elizabeth Ryle O’Connor & Patrick Flynn Kiltallagh        June 11th        Jack Keating & Bernie Nagle Keel                 July 17th       David Flahive & William Evans Kiltallagh        July 18th       Fergus Culloty & Colm Lynch
Keel                 July 10th      Orla Nolan & Marie O’Brien Kiltallagh        July 11th      Gerry Buckley & Micheal Daly  Keel                 July 17th       Noranne Kavanagh & PJ Ryan Kiltallagh        July 18th       Lorraine Griffin & Claire O’Connor
Keel                 July 10th       Marie O’Brien & Eileen Prendiville Kiltallagh        July 11th       Bernie Nagle & Eileen Keating Keel                 July 17th       Margaret Cournane & Joan Sheehan Kiltallagh        July 18th       Claire O’Connor & Lorraine Griffin

The Helping Hand

If when climbing up life’s ladder

You can reach a hand below,

Just to help the other fellow

Up another rung or so,

It will be that in the future,

When you’re growing weary too,

You’ll be glad to find there’s someone who will

lend a hand to you.

Priest on duty this weekend:

Fr. Kevin Sullivan 087 6277638

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