Newsletter 23rd May

Nano Nagle Birthplace Competition: To mark Laudato Si’ week (16-24 May) Nano Nagle Birthplace is launching a short story/essay/poetry/song competition.  For full details go to our Website: Closing date: 30th June 2021.

ALONE: manage a national support line and additional supports for older people who have concerns or are facing difficulties relating to COVID-19. Professional staff are available to answer queries and give advice and reassurance. The support line is open seven days a week, 8am-8pm, by calling 0818 222 024.

Samaritans: Freephone 116 123 The Samaritans are available 24/7 to offer non-judgemental emotional support to people experiencing difficulties or times of crisis in their lives.

Volunteers: Thank you to all parishioners who have volunteered their support to date, to help us to return to celebrating Mass once again in our Churches. We are still looking for volunteers, so if you would like to assist as an Usher, or help wipe down the seats after Mass, please contact the Parish Office during office times or phone Fr. Danny on 087 9061255.


Return of Congregations

Castlemaine Parish Pentecost Sunday 22nd/23rd May 2021

“Lower your bucket– taste and see”

More than a century ago, a great sailing ship was stranded off the coast of South America. Day after day the ship lay there in the still waters with not a hint of a breeze. The captain was desperate; the crew was dying of thirst.

And then, on the far horizon, a steamship appeared, headed directly toward them. As it drew near, the captain called out, “We need water! Give us water!” The steamship replied, “Lower your buckets where you are.”

The captain was furious at this cavalier response but called out again, “Please, give us water.” But the steamer gave the same reply, “Lower your buckets where you are!” And with that they steamed away!

The captain was beside himself with anger and despair, and he went below. But a little later, when no one was looking, a yeoman lowered a bucket into the sea and then tasted what he brought up.

It was perfectly sweet, fresh water! For you see, the ship was just out of sight of the mouth of the Amazon. And for all those days they had been sitting right on top of all the fresh water they needed! 

What we are really seeking is already inside us, waiting to be discovered, waiting to be embraced: the Holy Spirit of God Who has been living within us from the moment of our Baptism.

The Holy Spirit is saying to us at this very moment from deep in our heart, “Lower your buckets where you are. Taste and see!” Come, Holy Spirit! Fill our hearts and set us on fire!


Fr. Danny Broderick (087) 9061255 Parish Residence: 18 Ballyoughtragh Heights, Milltown Rev. Conor Bradley (087) 3664057 Parish Office:  Wed. & Fri. 9:30-12:30   066-9767312 Email: Website: Safeguarding Children: Contact No (087) 6362780  
  Masses & Intentions
  Sat.  May 22nd             Keel7.30 p.m.  Denis Cournane, Tubber
  Sun. May 23rd    Kiltallagh    10:00 a.m.Maurice O’Dwyer, Lasabee
  Tue. May 25th                Keel  10:00 a.m. 
  Thurs May 27th                Keel  7.30 p.m.  Paula Muecke, Austria
  Sat.    May 29th                 Keel  7:30 p.m.  Bridget Gill, Shanahill East  
  Sun.   May 30th                 Kiltallagh  10:00 a.m.  John & Kay Dowling, Post Office, Castlemaine


Priest on Duty: Fr. Kieran O’Sullivan (087) 2432155

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