Newsletter 18th April

­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­ Castlemaine Parish 3rd Sunday of Easter             17th /18th April 2021

What in the world happened to you?’

A man showed up at church with both his ears painfully blistered.  “After the service, his concerned pastor asked, “What in the world happened to you?” The man replied “I was lying on the couch yesterday afternoon watching a ball game on TV and my wife was ironing nearby. I was totally engrossed in the game when she left the room, leaving the iron near the phone. The phone rang and keeping my eyes glued to the television, I grabbed for the phone, got the iron, and put it to my ear. “So how did the other ear get burned?”. The pastor asked. “Well, I had no more than hung up and the guy called again.” [Bill Tewels, “Overheard at the country Café,” Country (Oct-Nov 1994), p.45]– Here is a man who was focused! He was so caught up in watching the game, he didn’t know what he was doing.

 In our Gospel lesson for today the disciples of Jesus have lost their focus.  They are confused and weary. They need a break.

        Witnessing to Jesus is testifying by our lives that the power of the Risen Jesus has touched us and transformed us in the most remarkable way imaginable.  Witnessing to Jesus is letting Jesus speak through us to other people.  Jesus needs Spirit-filled followers to be his eyes, ears, hands, and feet so that we may bear witness to his love, mercy, and forgiveness by exercising these gifts in our compassionate loving service of all our brothers and sisters. The Church desperately needs dedicated witnesses: Priests, Deacons, Brothers, Sisters, Parents, Teachers, Doctors and Nurses – all of us.  The essence of bearing witness is to testify by our lives that the power of the risen Jesus has touched and transformed us.

Fr. Danny Broderick 087 9061255

Parish Residence: 18 Ballyoughtragh Heights, Milltown

Rev. Conor Bradley 087 3664057

Parish Office: open Wed. & Fri 9:30-12:30   066-9767312



Safeguarding Children: Contact No (087) 6362780                                         

Masses & intentions online
Sat. Apr. 17th  7:30 p.m.Michael Anderson, London & Lasabee          Broadcast from Keel
Sun. Apr. 18th   10:00 a.m.  John Francy Teahan, Ballyfinane – 1st Anniv. Broadcast from Kiltallagh
Tue. Apr. 20th       7:00 p.m.Broadcast from Listry
Wed. Apr. 21st  9:00 a.m.Broadcast from Milltown
Fri. Apr. 23rd7.00 p.m.Broadcast from Milltown
Sat. Apr. 24th    7:30 p.m.Donal & Joan Corocoran, Dublin &        formerly of Boolteens                                                         Broadcast from Keel Church
Sun. Apr. 25th  10:00 amMary O’Sullivan, Knockbrack – 1st Anniversary    Broadcast from Kiltallagh Church


All Masses will be celebrated without a congregation due to Covid-19 Government Restrictions. 

Masses will be streamed online via our new webcam system:

  • Log into
  • Scroll down to the bottom of page to where it says Live Streams.
  • Click St. Gobnait’s, Keel for Mass in Keel
  • Click on ► to play
  • Click St. Carthage’s for Mass in Kiltallagh
  • Click on ► to play    

Parish Envelopes: The Easter Offerings, Parish Envelopes or Intentions can be dropped to;

 •      Helena’s Local XL shop in Castlemaine, to a secure box

•       Every Saturday at Keel Church between 3pm – 4.30pm

•       Post Box outside the Parish Office situated at Milltown Church

•       Fr Danny’s house at 18 Ballyoughtragh Heights, Milltown

Thank you for your continued support.   

Our churches are sanitised daily

• Please sanitise your hands on entering and leaving the church

• Keep a safe distance from others who may be in the church

• Wear a mask whilst in the church

The Parish Office: will remain closed whilst we are at Level 5. We will continue to work behind closed doors, so please feel free to contact the office during hours. Wed. & Fri. 9:30am -12.30pm

ALONE: manage a national support line and additional supports for older people who have concerns or are facing difficulties relating to COVID-19. Professional staff are available to answer queries and give advice and reassurance. The support line is open seven days a week, 8am – 8pm, by calling 0818 222 024.

Samaritans: Freephone 116 123 The Samaritans are available 24/7 to offer non-judgemental emotional support to people experiencing difficulties or times of crisis in their lives.

MABS The Money Advice and Budgeting Service:  is the State’s money advice service which has guided people through dealing with problem debt since it was set-up 20 years ago. It offers a free, confidential, independent & non-judgemental service to all kinds of people, with all kinds of debt. Though MABS offices are closed to the public at present, work is continuing remotely. Contact the helpline, 0761 07 2000, Monday to Friday, 9:00a.m.-8:00p.m. Contact Kerry MABS, (087) 4101355,

 Recovery Haven: Cancer Support House continues to offer emotional support and practical help to those affected by cancer. Phone support, counselling and a range of online classes are being offered. If you or someone you know needs support, contact (066) 7192122,

In other words, Jesus is to speak to other people through us.  In Calcutta, a dying old woman with her head in the lap of St. Teresa of Calcutta (Mother Teresa), looked at her for a long time, and, in a feeble voice, asked: “Are you the God Jesus who loves the poor and the sick?”


God be good to you

 in all your days

God be kind to you

 in all your ways

God Give strength to you

when crosses lean

God send light to you

 the clouds between

God give peace to you

 In times of strife

God bless everything

 that fills your life

God send joy to you

when grief is ore

God make way for you

 at heaven’s door


Priest on Duty:

Fr. Kieran O’ Sullivan (087) 2432155

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