Newsletter 7th March

Our churches are sanitised regularly.

When visiting our churches:

• Please sanitise your hands on entering and leaving the church

• Keep a safe distance from others who may be in the church

• Wear a mask whilst in the church

The Parish Office: will remain closed whilst we are at Level 5. We will continue to work behind closed doors, so please feel free to contact the office during opening hours on Wednesday & Fridays mornings from 9:30a.m. to 12.30p.m.

Parish Envelopes: Whilst Masses are being celebrated without a congregation at this time, you may drop your Parish envelopes or Mass Intentions to:

  • Helena’s Local XL shop in Castlemaine, to a secure box
  • Every Saturday at Keel Church between 3pm – 4.30pm
  • Post Box outside the Parish Office V93 X293 or
  • Fr Danny’s house at 18 Ballyoughtragh Heights, Milltown

Thank you for your continued support.

COVID-19 Support Line for Older People

ALONE manage a national support line and additional supports for older people who have concerns or are facing difficulties relating to COVID-19. Professional staff are available to answer queries and give advice and reassurance where necessary. The support line is open seven days a week, 8am – 8pm, by calling 0818 222 024.

Recovery Haven: want to reassure people that they are still operating phone support, counselling, and a range of online classes throughout Level 5.  So, if you or someone you know needs support, please contact Recovery Haven on (066) 7192122 or email

Inch Beach ‘Christmas Splash for Cash’: A huge thank you to all who supported our fundraiser. A whopping €2,135.04 was raised and donated to the Kerry Cancer Support Group. We are already looking forward to the Inch Christmas Day Swim 2021!

Kerry Branch of Samaritans: we thank you for the continued support of our Christmas Collection which is greatly appreciated. Sums collected in each Church are:  Keel €274.95    Kiltallagh €278.50

COVID-19 has changed all our lives.  For health reasons we cannot gather for Mass. We have recently installed a new webcam facility in both Keel and Kiltallagh Churches. From the comfort of your homes, you can join in for Sunday Masses, Weekday Masses, Funerals, Weddings, Baptisms, and other Liturgical Celebrations.  It is important that Priests and people can connect with one another. COVID-19 does not allow home visits. We are all struggling with this. On my own behalf and on behalf of Fr. Kevin and Fr. Kieran we wish God’s blessings on all of you.   Fr. Danny Broderick

For logging into the webcam system: –

  • Please use Google Chrome as it is more suitable for all devices. 
  • Please note the following important information.
  • If you wish for a wedding or funeral to be recorded this
  •  must be requested in writing to the Church prior to the service beginning as there is no possible way to retrieve it afterwards.
  • Recordings are 97% reliable.
  • Recordings will be stored for 28 days only.
  • If you wish for your event to be private, please let us know in advance and we can set a password enabling only those with the password to view it.
  • You can also request the camera to be turned off during a private event.

  If you wish to download a recording please follow these instructions.

How to download a recording

  • Go to Google Chrome. (Always use Google Chrome)
  • Type
  • Open your chosen Church
  • Scroll down and select the recording you wish to download. 
  • Push play.  
  • On far right there will be 3 little dots.  Click these little dots and a download option will appear. Select download
  • Name the downloading as you wish.

If you experience any difficulties, the team at Church Media are happy to help.  Their contact number is 0044 2887738494.   

­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­ Castlemaine Parish Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time            6th/7th February 2021

Parish Residence: 18 Ballyoughtragh Heights, Milltown

Rev. Conor Bradley (087) 3664057

Parish Office: open Wed. & Fri 9:30-12:30   066-9767312



Safeguarding Children: Contact No (087) 6362780


All Masses will be celebrated without a congregation due to COVID-19 Government Restrictions

Mass is broadcast on 106fm and all Weekend Masses will continue to be streamed online
right here

Masses & intentions online
Sat. Feb. 6th  7:30 p.m.Mary McKenna, Whitegate, Keel Broadcast from Keel Church
Sun. Feb. 7th  11:15 a.m.Broadcast from Milltown Church
Tue. Feb. 9th      7:00 p.m.Broadcast from Listry Church
Wed. Feb. 10th  9:00 a.m.Broadcast from Milltown Church
Fri. Feb. 12th    7:00 p.m.Broadcast from Milltown Church
Sat. Feb. 13th      7:30 p.m.George Kane, Gorthanedin Broadcast from Keel Church
Sun. Feb. 14th11:15amBroadcast from Milltown Church

Priest on duty this weekendFr. Danny Broderick 087 906125

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