Newsletter 14th February

Ash Wednesday 2021

Ash Wednesday, February 17th, is a day of fast and abstinence. To celebrate Ash Wednesday and the start of the Lenten season, the people of the diocese are invited to participate in Masses online. There will no distribution of ashes at Masses. Lent calls us to ‘come back to God with all our heart’ and the practices of prayer, fasting and giving to charity are a way of making real our return to God. Ashes marking our foreheads remind us of our human frailty and our dependence on God. Marking Ash Wednesday at Home is a prayer resource available on the diocesan website, Individual wrapped Ashes will be available from the porches of both Keel and Kiltallagh churches on Wednesday morning. Please feel free to take some home and trace the sign of the cross on yourself and your family’s foreheads.

Online Pre-Sacramental Preparation talks for Parents:

The Diocese of Kerry will be hosting two online events for Parents whose child is going forward for the sacraments of First Holy Communion or Confirmation. Dr Dan O Connell will be presenting an online talk – Frist Communion Journeying with your child – on Tues 23rd Feb at 7pm. Dr Patricia Kieran will be presenting an online talk – Confirmation Journeying with your child – on Tues 2nd March at 7pm. Register online @   For further information: email  / 064 6632644    

Recovery Haven Kerry Cancer Support House will have a 6 week Thriving and Surviving course online via Zoom commencing in March, (date to be considered) from 10.30 am to 1 pm. The course is to help support people recovering after cancer treatment. If you are interested, please contact Reception on (066 )7192122.

Parish Envelopes: Whilst Masses are being celebrated without a congregation at this time, you may drop your Parish envelopes or Mass intentions to:

  • Helena’s Local XL shop in Castlemaine, to a secure box
  • Every Saturday at Keel Church between 3pm – 4.30pm
  • Post Box outside the Parish Office V93 X293 or
  • Fr Danny’s house at 18 Ballyoughtragh Heights, Milltown

Thank you for your continued support.

The sergeant almost fainted away in surprise and wonder. He couldn’t believe Mother Teresa had just said that to him. 

That day was a turning point in the life of Michael Wayne Hunter. This San Quentin Death Row prisoner was cleansed by that experience. Life changed. Suddenly there was meaning to it. So drastic was the change, a new trial was set and the death penalty was not sought. The verdict was guilty on two counts of first-degree murder but a new sentence was given: Life. Life, without the possibility of parole. Prosecution did not seek the death penalty because Mr. Hunter was now a model prisoner and an award-winning writer. He is one other thing: A testimony that Christ still is willing to heal, still willing to touch the untouchable, and to make us whole.  

We need to tear down the walls that separate us from others and build bridges of loving relationship. Jesus calls every one of us to demolish the walls that separate us from each other and to welcome the outcasts and the untouchables of society.  God’s loving hand must reach out to them through us.   Jesus wants us to touch their lives. Let us pass beyond the narrow circles of our friends and peers and try to relate to those who may be outside the bounds of propriety.   Let us re-examine the barriers we have created and approach God with a heart that is ready to welcome the outcasts in our society.   



Trocaire express their gratitude to all in the diocese for our 2020 diocesan contribution. Despite having no congregations at Easter our returns were over €110,000.00 – two thirds of previous years.  The Lenten Campaign is vital to their independence as an international Development Organisation.  Thank God for the Christian generosity of so many in our parishes. Trocaire boxes are now available from the porches of both Keel and Killtallagh churches.  Thank you for your continued support.


Priest on duty this Sunday

Fr. Danny Broderick (087) 9061255

­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­ Castlemaine Parish Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time            13th/14th February 2021

You’re going to miss Mother Teresa.

 Here is a story about Michael Wayne Hunter who was put on death row in California in 1983, in San Quentin Prison. After his third year on death row something happened. One day he was getting ready to spend time exercising when the guard said, “You’re going to miss Mother Teresa. She’s coming today to see you guys.” “Yea, sure,” he said, “one more of those designs they have on us.” A little later he heard more commotion about it and thought it might be true, that Mother Teresa [now Saint Teresa of Calcutta] was actually coming to see them. Another guard said, “Don’t go into your cells and lock up. Mother Teresa stayed to see you guys.” So, Michael jogged up to the front in gym shorts and a tattered basketball shirt with the arms ripped out, and on the other side of the security screen was this tiny woman who looked 100 years old. Yes, it was Mother Teresa. This hardened prisoner wrote about his experience, he said, “You have to understand that, basically, I’m a dead man. I don’t have to observe any sort of social convention; and as a result, I can break all the rules, say what I want. But one look at this Nobel Prize winner, this woman so many people view as a living saint, and I was speechless.” Michael said an incredible vitality and warmth came from her wizened, piercing eyes. She smiled at him, blessed a religious medal, and put it in his hands. This murderer who wouldn’t have walked voluntarily down the hall to see the Warden, the Governor, the President, or the Pope, stood before this woman, and all he could say was, “Thank you, Mother Teresa.” Now listen to what happens: At one point Mother Teresa turned and pointed her hand at the sergeant, “What you do to these men,” she told him, “you do to God.”

Parish Residence: 18 Ballyoughtragh Heights, Milltown

Rev. Conor Bradley (087) 3664057

Parish Office: open Wed. & Fri 9:30-12:30   066-9767312



Safeguarding Children: Contact No (087) 6362780

Please pray for Eileen Moynihan Jones nee O’Sullivan, Conventry, UK & Knockaderry, Farranfore   Masses & intentions online
Sat. Feb. 13th  7:30 p.m.George Kane, Gorthanedin Broadcast from Keel Church
Sun. Feb. 14th  10:00 a.m.Broadcast from Kiltallagh Church
Tue. Feb. 16th      7:00 p.m.Broadcast from Listry Church
Wed. Feb. 17th  9:00 a.m.Ash Wednesday Broadcast from Milltown Church
Fri. Feb. 19th    7:00 p.m.Broadcast from Milltown Church
Sat. Feb. 20th      7:30 p.m.Eileen Keeliher, Shanahill West, Keel Broadcast from Keel Church
Sun. Feb. 21st  10:00 amBroadcast from Kiltallagh Church


All Masses will be celebrated without a congregation due to Covid-19 Government Restrictions

Mass is broadcast on 106fm and all Weekend Masses will be streamed online via our new webcam system:

  • Log into
  • Scroll down to the bottom of page to where it says Live Streams
  • Click St. Gobnait’s, Keel for Mass in Keel
  • Click on ► to play
  • Click St. Carthage’s for Mass in Kiltallagh
  • Click on ► to play    

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