Newsletter 21st June

The Return to Public Mass

Bishop Ray has notified all parishes in the diocese of the following guidelines to be observed when public Mass resumes. This is a glimpse of a number of key guidelines to note:

  • The dispensation from attending Mass on Sundays and Holydays of obligation remains in place until further notice. People are encouraged to attend Mass on any day during the week.  In this way, it is hoped that parishioners, who would have normally attended Mass on a Saturday night or Sunday morning pre Covid-19, can be accommodated at the Masses throughout the week taking into account the reduced capacity of the church.
  • Any person with an underlying medical condition or at high risk of severe illness as a result of Covid-19 should be advised to stay at home and to continue participating in the Mass online or by radio link.  Any elderly person who does not yet feel ready to return to the public celebration of Mass, should also be advised that they may remain at home and participate in the Mass online or hear the Mass through the Parish radio link.
  • Parishioners attending Mass should wear a face covering in church. (Note that face coverings are not suitable for children under the age of 13 and that not everyone will feel comfortable wearing a face covering.  While the wearing of a face covering is recommended it is not mandatory).
  • The congregation shall be asked to sit and stand as appropriate during Mass.  The congregation shall be requested not to kneel.
  • Altar servers will not be permitted to exercise their ministry until further notice.
  • Missalettes should not be used at Mass until further notice.  A newsletter may be made available for collection at the exit points when the congregation is leaving the church.
  • At the Sign of Peace, invite the congregation to indicate their prayer for the other’s peace, by a wave, nod or other gesture while remaining socially distanced.
  • The Priest and the Ministers of the Eucharist must wear a visor at all times during the distribution of Holy Communion.
  • Holy Communion should only be given in the hand, until further notice.

With restrictive numbers of people allowed to gather indoors, it is hoped to celebrate weekend Masses outdoors over the next number of weeks, weather permitting. More information on this will be in the newsletter next weekend.

Can you let go of Fear?

In general, we perceive life coming to meet us either as gift or threat. Likewise, we are motivated, as a rule, either by love or fear. Our goal is to be always motivated by love. Our suppressed fear makes this so difficult to achieve.

A first step is not to be afraid of fear or to resist it. Neither does it help to start blaming life or people for your condition. What helps is to enlist the rich energy of fear by turning it round to serve you. Face it, feel it, breathe it in and then gently press on with your life. Open to it in a vigilant and loving way and you will sense a breaking of the blockage within you. It is helpful to remember, too, that it is only fearful people who can be graced with the God-like quality of courage. Those with no fear can never be brave.

Fr. Donal O’Leary

                                                        Castlemaine Parish 12th Sunday in Ordinary Time 20th/21stJune 2020

Prayer to Overcome Fear

Dear Father, our hearts and minds are

Flooded with many fears. Sometimes we

Become paralysed, and feel unable to go on.

These fears are overwhelming. They remain

With us day and night

Yet we hold on to your truth

You have told us not to fear

For you have overcome the world

So we cling to you, we trust in your promise

That you will never fail us, never forsake us

In moments of such fear

We choose to hold your hand

Help me not be paralysed by my fears

But when I am afraid, help me to trust you

In you all promises meet and new life begins

You are the Saviour, we hide in you

Protected by your love and sheltered in your grace.


Fr. Kevin Sullivan (087) 6277638 Email: Castlemaine Presbytery: 066 9767322 Parish Office hours: Tues. & Thurs. 9:30am – 12:30pm Safeguarding Children: Contact (087) 6362780

Please pray for:        John and Thady O’Neill of Chicago and l/o         Ardcanaught, both of whom died recently.

Weekend Mass Intentions in Keel Church (10:00 a.m.)

Sunday, June 21st         Timothy D. Foley, Shanahill West

Sunday, June 28th       Denis Foley, Fybough

                                        Brendan & Paddy O’Connor, Lisnanoul

Weekday Masses will resume in the church in the week beginning June 29th.

Graveyard Masses in 2020

Kiltallagh               12th July         10:00 a.m.     Sunday morning Mass

Keel                        18th July         7.30 p.m.       Saturday Vigil Mass

Old Keel                 20th July 7:30 p.m.

This is always a highlight of our church year so please spread the news of the time and dates to anyone who might like to attend. It is also a good opportunity to tend to your own family grave.

Live streaming of Weekend Masses

This will take place from Castlemaine at 10:00 a.m. this weekend and the following weekend as well. Unfortunately, the broadband is not as strong as we would at the moment to livestream from Kiltallagh Church. As long as numbers in the church are restricted, we will continue to live stream the weekend Masses in the parish.

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